Dying Well: Identity

The topic of dying and death is often avoided in Western culture, and yet it is an inevitable part of life. It is a subject that is shrouded in fear, denial, and avoidance. However, there is a growing movement towards dying well and dying wise, acknowledging death as a part of life and preparing for it in a meaningful way.

To die well and die wise means to approach death with grace, dignity, and acceptance. It is about being present in the moment, letting go of fear and attachment, and embracing the mystery of what comes next. It is about being open to the possibility of transformation and growth, even in the face of death.

The tyranny of hope is the idea that hope can become oppressive when it is used as a way to deny or avoid the reality of death. It can prevent people from facing their fears and preparing for death in a meaningful way. Instead, it can lead to false optimism and denial, which can ultimately lead to a lack of preparation and acceptance when death finally comes.

The concept of identity is also intertwined with the topic of dying well and dying wise. Identity is the accumulation of thoughts and emotions that create the feeling of being a separate entity. However, Eastern religions and psychedelic experiences suggest that a loss of attachment to this separate sense of self can lead to a deeper connection with the world around us.

As we age, we have the opportunity to develop the skill of becoming an elder, which involves embracing the wisdom and experience that comes with age. It is a time to reflect on our lives, let go of attachments, and prepare for the inevitable end. However, this skill is becoming more important than ever as we face the challenges of an aging population and a changing world.

In conclusion, the idea of dying well and dying wise challenges us to confront our fears and approach death with acceptance, grace, and dignity. It requires us to let go of false optimism and the tyranny of hope, and embrace the transformative power of loss and change. As we age, we have the opportunity to become elders, to reflect on our lives, and to prepare for the inevitable end. This is a skill that is becoming increasingly important in our changing world, and it is one that we must all strive to develop.

Mehrwert: Value Added vs Surplus Value

The term “Mehrwert” is a German word that has different translations depending on the context and the perspective of the translator. In the economic context, “Mehrwert” is often translated as “value added,” while in the Marxist tradition, it is translated as “surplus value.” This difference in translation reflects a fundamental divide in economic and political thought that has existed for centuries.

The concept of “value added” is widely used in economic theory and practice. It refers to the additional value that is created by a company or organization through its production process. This additional value is created by using inputs such as labor, capital, and materials to produce a final product that is worth more than the sum of its parts. Value added is often used as a measure of economic growth and productivity, and it is a key component of many national and international economic statistics.

The concept of “surplus value,” on the other hand, is a central idea in Marxist economic theory. It refers to the additional value that is created by workers through their labor, beyond the value of their wages. According to Marx, workers produce more value than they are paid for, and this surplus value is appropriated by capitalists as profit. The exploitation of surplus value is seen as a fundamental characteristic of capitalist economic systems, and it is a key component of Marxist critiques of capitalism.

The translation of “Mehrwert” as either “value added” or “surplus value” reflects different economic and political perspectives. Those who translate it as “value added” often see economic growth and productivity as positive outcomes, and they focus on the role of businesses and organizations in creating value. Those who translate it as “surplus value” often see the exploitation of workers and the accumulation of profit by capitalists as negative outcomes, and they focus on the role of class struggle and political change in addressing these issues.

The debate over the translation of “Mehrwert” reflects broader debates about the role of economics in society and the relationship between economic growth and social justice. While some argue that economic growth is essential for improving living standards and reducing poverty, others argue that it is necessary to address the unequal distribution of wealth and power in society. The translation of “Mehrwert” is just one example of how different economic and political perspectives can shape our understanding of economic concepts and their implications for society.

In conclusion, the translation of “Mehrwert” as either “value added” or “surplus value” reflects different economic and political perspectives on the role of production, labor, and profit in society. While both concepts have their merits, they also reflect different assumptions about the nature of economic growth and social justice. As we continue to debate these issues, it is important to consider the broader implications of economic theory and practice for society as a whole.

Web3: The New Freemasons

The emergence of Web3 and crypto has led to the development of new forms of collective action and community-building that have yet to fully unfold. As these technologies continue to evolve, we may see the emergence of a new form of Masonic tropes, where the ideals of ‘civic nationalism’ and the practices of Freemasonry are translated into a collective mission of mindfulness and society-building. However, this revival may only be a half-arsed attempt, straddling between nationalist and globalist understandings over collective attachments.

Freemasonry is an organization that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, with its members bound by secret oaths and symbols. Its practices and principles have often been associated with a sense of exclusivity and elitism, as well as with ideals of civility and morality. The emergence of Web3 and crypto has presented an opportunity to revive some of the ideals of Freemasonry in a new form, potentially combining the values of civic nationalism with a focus on mindfulness and social responsibility.

However, this new form of Masonic tropes may be a half-arsed attempt, as it attempts to straddle between nationalist and globalist understandings over collective attachments. Nationalism and globalism represent two competing perspectives on collective identity and attachment, with nationalism emphasizing a strong sense of attachment to one’s nation, while globalism emphasizes a sense of shared humanity and a rejection of borders.

The new Freemasons may attempt to incorporate both of these perspectives, creating a pragmatic approach that seeks to contain and incorporate both nationalist and globalist tendencies within an exclusivist bunch of new practices. This approach may be seen as a way to bridge the gap between these competing perspectives, but it may also risk alienating those who strongly identify with one or the other.

Furthermore, the attempt to incorporate both nationalist and globalist tendencies may lead to a watered-down version of the original Masonic tropes, lacking the depth and authenticity that characterized the original organization. This may be due to the fact that the new Freemasons are seeking to please everyone, rather than staying true to their core principles and values.

In conclusion, the emergence of Web3 and crypto presents an opportunity for a new form of Masonic tropes that combines the ideals of ‘civic nationalism’ and the practices of Freemasonry with a focus on mindfulness and society-building. However, this revival may only be a half-arsed attempt, straddling between nationalist and globalist understandings over collective attachments. This approach may risk alienating those who strongly identify with one or the other, while also leading to a watered-down version of the original Masonic tropes. Ultimately, it remains to be seen how this new form of Masonic tropes will unfold, and whether it will be successful in creating a meaningful and authentic community of like-minded individuals.

Anti-Cthulhu: Attractor in the Temporal Dimension

The evolution of life on Earth has led to the emergence of a wide variety of species, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations. However, humans stand out as a radical break from the biological organization that came before us. We possess a level of cognitive and social complexity that is unparalleled in the animal kingdom, and we have created societies and technologies that have transformed the planet in ways that no other species has ever done. In this essay, we will explore the idea that humans are a response to an attractor ahead in the temporal dimension, which has led to our exceptional characteristics and achievements.

Firstly, let us consider the concept of attractors. An attractor is a theoretical construct in the study of complex systems that describes a set of stable states that the system tends towards. Attractors are often used to explain the behavior of physical, biological, and social systems. In the case of human evolution, the concept of attractors can help us understand why we have evolved to be so different from other species.

One theory is that humans are a response to an attractor in the temporal dimension. This means that the evolution of humans was not just a result of random genetic mutations and natural selection but was guided by some underlying force that was pulling us towards a specific endpoint. This attractor could be thought of as a future state or goal that human evolution was striving towards.

What might this attractor be? One possibility is that it is related to the emergence of complex societies and the development of culture. Humans have a unique ability to transmit knowledge and skills across generations, which has allowed us to build on the achievements of our ancestors and create ever more complex and sophisticated technologies and institutions. This has led to the emergence of large-scale societies and the formation of interconnected global networks.

Another possibility is that the attractor is related to the development of consciousness and self-awareness. Humans are the only species on Earth that we know of that possess a subjective experience of the world. We are aware of ourselves as individuals, and we have the ability to reflect on our thoughts and emotions. This has allowed us to develop complex social relationships, to create art and literature, and to ask profound philosophical questions about the nature of existence.

The idea that humans are a response to an attractor in the temporal dimension has implications for how we understand our place in the universe. It suggests that human evolution is not just a random process but is part of a larger trajectory that is leading towards a specific endpoint. This does not necessarily imply that humans are the pinnacle of evolution or that we are the ultimate goal of the universe. Rather, it suggests that we are part of a larger process of emergence that is leading towards greater complexity and sophistication.

In conclusion, the idea that humans are a response to an attractor ahead in the temporal dimension provides a compelling explanation for our exceptional characteristics and achievements. Whether this attractor is related to the development of complex societies or the emergence of consciousness, it suggests that human evolution is part of a larger trajectory that is leading towards greater complexity and sophistication. This idea challenges us to think beyond our individual lives and to consider our place in the larger context of the universe.

Down the Rabbit-Hole

If matter were to disappear

The relationship between matter, space, and time is a fundamental concept in modern physics. According to the theory of relativity, space and time are intertwined, and they are affected by the presence of matter. If matter were to disappear, it would have a profound impact on the fabric of space-time itself. In this essay, we will explore the relationship between matter, space, and time, and what would happen if matter were to disappear.

Firstly, let us consider the concept of space and time. Space and time are the two essential components of the universe in which we live. Space is the three-dimensional realm in which objects exist, while time is the fourth dimension that allows events to occur in a sequential order. In other words, space and time are inseparable, and they are interwoven into a single entity known as space-time. The theory of relativity tells us that space and time are not absolute but are relative to the observer. This means that the way we experience space and time depends on our relative position and motion.

Now, let us consider the relationship between matter and space-time. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, matter warps the fabric of space-time. In other words, the presence of matter curves space-time around it. This effect is known as gravitational lensing, and it has been observed in numerous astronomical phenomena. The greater the mass of an object, the more it warps space-time around it. This is why the sun, with its massive gravitational pull, can bend the path of light from distant stars.

If matter were to disappear, the fabric of space-time would be dramatically affected. Without matter, there would be nothing to warp space-time, and it would become flat and uniform. In essence, space-time would lose its curvature and become Euclidean, which means that it would resemble the geometry of a flat plane. This would have far-reaching consequences, as the laws of physics that govern the universe would change. For example, the speed of light, which is currently constant, would no longer be so, and the concept of time dilation would no longer apply.

Furthermore, the disappearance of matter would also have a significant impact on the structure of the universe. The galaxies and other celestial bodies that we observe in the universe are held together by the gravitational force exerted by their mass. Without matter, these structures would collapse and disintegrate, and the universe would become a vast, empty void. In fact, the universe as we know it would cease to exist, and the concept of space-time would become meaningless.

In conclusion, the relationship between matter, space, and time is a complex and interconnected one. The disappearance of matter would have profound consequences on the fabric of space-time, as it would become flat and uniform. This would change the laws of physics that govern the universe and would lead to the collapse of the structures that hold it together. The universe, as we know it, would cease to exist, and the concept of space-time would become meaningless. Therefore, the presence of matter is essential for the existence of the universe and the functioning of the laws of physics that govern it.

Mama Matrix Most Mysterious

The phrase “Mama Matrix Most Mysterious” is a complex and enigmatic concept, and its meaning has been the subject of much debate and interpretation. At its core, it refers to the idea of the universe as a maternal entity, with the Milky Way galaxy as its body, and the stars as its offspring. This concept is tied to Joyce’s fascination with mythology, folklore, and religious symbolism, and it reflects his interest in exploring the deeper mysteries of existence.

Joyce’s use of the phrase in “Finnegans Wake” is characteristic of his innovative and experimental approach to language and storytelling. The book is known for its complex and convoluted structure, with layers of meaning and wordplay that challenge the reader’s understanding and interpretation. “Mama Matrix Most Mysterious” is just one of many recurring motifs and themes in the book, and its meaning is often obscured by Joyce’s dense and intricate wordplay.

Despite its enigmatic nature, the phrase has captured the imagination of many readers and scholars, and it has been the subject of numerous interpretations and analyses. Some have seen it as a metaphor for the mysteries of creation and the universe, while others have interpreted it as a reflection of Joyce’s own artistic process, with the universe as the ultimate creative force. Still others have read it as a commentary on the role of the maternal in human life and culture.

Whatever its true meaning may be, “Mama Matrix Most Mysterious” stands as a testament to James Joyce’s unique and innovative approach to literature. Through his use of complex wordplay, symbolism, and structure, he invites readers to explore the deeper mysteries of existence, and to question the boundaries of language and understanding. It is a concept that has inspired and intrigued readers and scholars for decades, and it is a testament to the enduring power and relevance of Joyce’s work.

The Solution Aversion Wars

The solution aversion wars refer to the phenomenon in which people reject proposed solutions to problems they care about, not because of the solution’s effectiveness but because they perceive it as conflicting with their values or ideology. This type of resistance to solutions is prevalent in many areas, including politics, social issues, and environmental policies.

The solution aversion wars are a dangerous problem because they can prevent progress and impede social change. Instead of working together to find effective solutions, people tend to entrench themselves in their own views, often resulting in a stalemate. In this way, the solution aversion wars can lead to a polarized and unproductive society.

One of the main reasons for the solution aversion wars is that people often view problems through a specific lens, influenced by their political, social, or religious values. When a proposed solution conflicts with this lens, people tend to reject it, even if the evidence suggests it is effective. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that people often get their information from sources that confirm their existing biases, leading to a reinforcement of their views.

Another reason for the solution aversion wars is that people tend to believe that the status quo is better than any potential solution. Even if the status quo is flawed, people may be reluctant to embrace change because they fear the unknown. This resistance to change can be especially strong when people believe that the proposed solution will affect their lifestyle, income, or identity.

To combat the solution aversion wars, we need to encourage more open-mindedness and collaboration. People must be willing to engage with differing perspectives, listen to others’ ideas, and be open to compromise. We also need to promote more critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making. People must learn to separate their personal beliefs and biases from objective facts and data.

In addition, we need to foster a culture of innovation and experimentation. Instead of rejecting potential solutions outright, we should be willing to try them out in a controlled and measured way. This approach allows us to test the effectiveness of proposed solutions without committing to them permanently. We should also be willing to learn from our mistakes and adjust our approaches as needed.

Knocking At Your Back Door

Progressivism is a political philosophy that advocates for social, political, and economic reforms. It seeks to address social inequality, discrimination, and other societal issues. While progressivism has gained momentum in recent years, it has also faced fierce opposition, particularly from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s. These individuals represent the last generation that had the option of selling out and becoming secure, property-owning bastions of the status quo. They were largely responsible for closing the door behind them, and their opposition to progressivism is rooted in this history.

The opposition to progressivism from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s is not surprising. For many of these individuals, progressivism represents a threat to the status quo that they have worked so hard to maintain. They have invested significant time and effort in building their careers, accumulating wealth, and securing their positions in society. They see progressivism as a challenge to their hard-won success and a threat to their way of life.

Moreover, these individuals represent the last generation that had the option of selling out. In the past, young radicals had the option of pursuing careers in the corporate world, accumulating wealth, and becoming part of the status quo. However, this option is no longer available to young people today. The corporate world has become more competitive, and the prospects for upward mobility are more limited than they were in the past.

These individuals were largely responsible for closing the door behind them. They built a society that rewards conformity, hard work, and obedience. They created a system that values wealth, status, and power above all else. They established institutions that protect their interests and maintain the status quo. They did all of this to secure their own futures, but in doing so, they created a system that is resistant to change.

The Baby Boomer generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, have had a profound impact on American society. This generation benefited from policies that provided them with access to education, healthcare, and homeownership, which led to unprecedented prosperity. However, as they entered into their 40s, 50s, and 60s, many Baby Boomers have systematically shut down these policies, which has negatively impacted future generations.

One of the most significant policies that Baby Boomers benefited from was the expansion of public education. The GI Bill, signed into law in 1944, provided returning World War II veterans with access to free college education. This policy allowed many Baby Boomers to attend college and pursue high-paying careers, which contributed to the economic prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s. However, as Baby Boomers aged, they began to oppose funding for public education, leading to decreased funding for schools, teacher salaries, and school programs.

Another policy that Baby Boomers benefited from was the expansion of healthcare. The passage of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s provided healthcare coverage for millions of Americans, including many Baby Boomers. These programs helped to reduce the cost of healthcare for seniors, which allowed them to access necessary medical treatments without incurring significant debt. However, as Baby Boomers aged, they began to oppose the expansion of healthcare, leading to decreased funding for programs that provide access to care for low-income Americans.

Homeownership is another policy that Baby Boomers benefited from, and one that they have systematically shut down for future generations. The 30-year period following World War II saw a significant increase in homeownership, which contributed to the economic growth of the 1950s and 1960s. However, as Baby Boomers aged, they began to oppose policies that promote affordable housing, leading to decreased funding for affordable housing programs and policies that make it more difficult for low-income Americans to access homeownership.

The policies that Baby Boomers benefited from allowed them to achieve unprecedented prosperity and success, but as they aged, they began to shut down these policies, leading to a decline in the quality of life for future generations. The opposition to funding for public education, healthcare, and affordable housing has made it more difficult for younger Americans to access the same opportunities that Baby Boomers had.

It is time for Baby Boomers to recognize the impact of their actions and support policies that promote equity and opportunity for all Americans. The same policies that allowed them to achieve success should be available to future generations, and it is essential that they work to ensure that these policies are funded and expanded.

In conclusion, the Baby Boomer generation benefited from policies that provided access to education, healthcare, and homeownership. However, as they aged, they began to systematically shut down these policies, which has negatively impacted future generations. It is time for Baby Boomers to recognize the impact of their actions and support policies that promote equity and opportunity for all Americans. The same policies that allowed them to achieve success should be available to future generations, and it is essential that they work to ensure that these policies are funded and expanded.

The opposition to progressivism from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s is not only rooted in their history, but it is also fueled by their fears for the future. They fear that progressivism will upend the system they have created, and that they will lose their wealth, status, and power. They fear that progressivism will lead to social and economic instability, and that their way of life will be threatened.

In conclusion, the opposition to progressivism from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s is rooted in their history and their fears for the future. These individuals represent the last generation that had the option of selling out and becoming part of the status quo. They were largely responsible for closing the door behind them, but it is important to recognize that progressivism is not a threat to them, but rather an opportunity. Progressivism seeks to address the societal issues that they themselves have identified, and it seeks to create a more equitable and just society for all. It is time for these individuals to embrace progressivism and work together to build a better future for everyone.