Selling Out

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No, instead we got a culture of sellouts and nothing much to show for ?

For you to sell out, lots of other must not do it or else culture mothballs ??Social Security, Medicare, winning a World War, and the Civil Rights Act are downstream from culture. Narrowly preventing the host of The Apprentice from being re-elected, Afghanistan and 675000 preventable deaths are also

You sell out when stop selling product to consumers, and start selling the consumer to the product. You don’t make better product but you try to reach a degraded and simplified version of the early consumer

It’s like you are no longer in the business of selling information to people, but rather of selling their attention to commercial interests… to tap into the reservoir of resources

Bless Mr Sacasas but the purity thing is hurling brick through a window. 

The artistic process is generative and in no way pure and you really cannot use it to draw eyeballs for other commercial uses during inception and development*hurling a brick

There is no purity to the creative process. It’s a naive conceit.

The constant lowering of standards otoh is a good metaphor. Rather than killing yourself trying to do nanoscale precision, it’s typically about modifying what you’re doing at a physics and metrology levelIt’s also perfectly legitimate to have a different set of standards than GE, Walmart or Exxon Mobile

What determines whether or not the product side gets captured, subverted, and undermined by the commercial; side is a function of revenue share and the conceptual integrity of the product itself, which is a function of the simplicity of the function.

Transit systems may sell ads on vehicles, but also have ticket revenue, tax subsidies, and a strong and simple product conceptually — get you from A to B. It’s not that managers of transit systems are any more noble. The product is simply less susceptible to capture by ads.

Ads are not just the default business model, but the product design’s null hypothesis. If you don’t have a strong design intent the intent will get eaten by into selling ads.

This so-called wall in old media was an illusion of ethicality even when it was intact and hadn’t been eroded by tech. The moral mazes simply gravitated a level or two up. Cf. Chomsky Manufacturing Consent, regulated Big 3 TV, etc.

Good point, but ads are uniquely uncorrelated to almost any core nominal function. In most non-ad businesses, the primary revenue driver is aligned well with the primary design intent of the function being offered.

To be clear there definitely seem to be pockets of malice, and specific processes and groups that are explicitly run in malicious ways. But it’s par for the course for any company that size, new or old. But the emergent presence is incompetent rather than malicious.