
“Music in Phase Space” is a blog that ventures into the uncharted territories of musical exploration and theoretical musings. Here, we blend nonlinear narratives with surreal and dream-like elements, creating a unique tapestry of sound and thought. Our posts often employ the cut-up technique, rearranging traditional forms to uncover new meanings and connections.

Music in Phase Space ain’t your mama’s record review. We’re talking tangled wires where melodies morph into the heart of darkness,  This ain’t no straight narrative, this is a cut-up experiment. We smash the fourth wall, play with mirrors, let fiction bleed into reality. Tarot cards and I Ching become our eight-ball, shaking out prophecies of sonic revolutions and technological meltdowns.

Our prose? Dense as a Tangier hash pipe dream. Layers of history spliced with sci-fi nightmares, pop culture references flickering like a neon sign in the rain. We peel back the layers, expose the conspiracy behind the catchy tune, the hidden forces controlling the dials of your mind.

Subjunctive? Hell yeah, we explore possibilities as vast as the cosmos. What if music could bend space-time? What if your favorite song was a doorway to another dimension?

This ain’t for squares. So strap on your headphones, light a joint, and dive into the sonic wormhole. We’re waiting for you on the other side.