Face the Music

Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of the road! It’s time to face the music and come to terms with the fact that your niche/job/gig is about to become a public good. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault, you just happen to be the victim of circumstance. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you recognize the signs.

Firstly, if you start hearing people talk about authenticity being everything, it’s time to start preparing for the worst. The more people talk about authenticity, the less authentic everything becomes. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – impossible.

Secondly, if your portfolio is your calling card and should be continuously refined, it’s because everyone is trying to stand out. But the more people try to stand out, the more they all end up looking the same. It’s like a flock of sheep trying to be the blackest sheep in the field.

Thirdly, if no one knows what’s gonna happen and you’re responsible for identifying and learning the skills required to be better than anyone else at what you do, it’s because everyone is trying to stay ahead of the curve. But the more people try to stay ahead of the curve, the more they end up running in circles.

Fourthly, if you’re asked to take a ‘jazz’ approach, not a classical one, it’s because everyone wants to be different. But the more people try to be different, the more they end up sounding the same.

Fifthly, if you’re expected to be a clairvoyant, it’s because everyone wants to predict the future. But the more people try to predict the future, the more they end up creating it. But not in a good way

Sixthly, if you’re told to identify, build on and add to your transferable skills, it’s because everyone wants to be adaptable. But the more people try to be adaptable, the less adaptable they become.

Seventhly, if you’re asked to be a niche master, it’s because everyone wants to be an expert. But trying to be an expert in everything is like trying to be a main character with every power imaginable – you end up just being a hot mess.

Eighthly, if you’re told to wear all the hats, it’s because everyone wants to be a one-person show. But trying to be the star, the writer, the director, and the producer all at once is like trying to play a game of chess against yourself – you might win, but you’ll also look insane.

Lastly, if you’re told to embrace technology but never let technology rule, it’s because everyone wants to be the next Steve Jobs. But relying too much on technology is like “Advanced primitivism”- you’ll get lost with it, and you might even end up in a ditch.

In conclusion, if you’ve recognized any of these signs, it’s time to start thinking about the future. Your niche/job/gig may be about to become a public good, but that doesn’t mean you can’t thrive. Just remember, it’s not about being different, it’s about being you. And who knows, you might even be able to create a new trend that everyone else will follow. Or you can always try alchemy – you never know, it might just work.

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