Days of Futures Past: Raygun Gothic

The phrase “days of futures past” is a fascinating play on words that highlights the intricate relationship between our past experiences and our understanding of the future. The phrase implies that the future is not only influenced by current decisions but also by the knowledge and experiences that we have gained in the past. Our understanding of the past may be different than we had imagined when we were thinking about the future.

“Raygun Gothic” is a term used to describe a particular aesthetic style that emerged in the mid-20th century, characterized by futuristic and space-inspired designs. This style is often associated with the era of science fiction of that era. This future is characterized by sleek, space-age designs, futuristic technology, and a sense of optimism about humanity’s ability to overcome challenges and achieve great things.

This is significant because it reflects the cultural values and aspirations of the time in which the work was produced. The mid-20th century was a period of rapid technological development and scientific progress, and people were fascinated by the possibilities of space travel and exploration. The Raygun Gothic style captured this sense of optimism and excitement about the future, and it has since become an iconic representation of the era.

In “Days of Futures Past,” the Raygun Gothic style is used to create a sense of nostalgia for a future that never came to pass. A world in which humans have achieved remarkable technological advancements and have created a utopian society, but it also acknowledges the flaws and imperfections of that society. Our vision of the future is shaped by our cultural values and aspirations, and that our perceptions of the future are constantly evolving.

Life can only be understood forward; but it must be lived backwards. When the future is tired, means that our ontology is not gonna make it, which is fine. Don’t fret it. The future is not going to be everything we failed to be in the past but more like just a foreign country; Or a foreign movie. Don’t let the that disturb you. Like Douglas Adams said “There is no point in using the word ‘impossible’ to describe something that has clearly happened so many time in the past.

The future is invisible because it does not fit into a tidy category that is already subordinated to the larger scheme of capitalism. Hence the future predicting and the subsequent plotting to make it so.

The concept that technology is someone’s opinion in physical form highlights the idea that technology is not just a neutral tool, but is shaped by the opinions, values, and biases of those who create and use it. In this sense, technology is not simply an objective and neutral instrument, but rather reflects the social, cultural, and political context in which it is developed.

Opinions, like technology, are also subject to inertia and resistance to change. They can continue in their existing state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. This can result in a reluctance to consider new ideas or approaches, and a tendency to maintain the status quo, even when it may not be the most effective or efficient way of doing things.

However, just as external forces can alter the trajectory of an object in motion, they can also shift the direction of opinions and technologies. This may involve challenging assumptions and biases, adopting new perspectives, or embracing innovative ideas and approaches.

Ultimately, understanding that technology is shaped by opinions and that opinions can be resistant to change highlights the importance of critically examining the social and cultural context in which technology is developed and used.

As a matter of fact a large chunk of opinions about the future are still relics downstream from the Neolithic revolution. Rise in the crude birth rate, drop in the crude death rate, more definitive, steady food sources, less hunger, less vulnerable to predators/enemies, development of more language, shared knowledge, timeb ut poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter gatherers. Diseases jumping from animals to human as well as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, spinal deformations, and dental pathologies.

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