Meta-Logic and the Absurd

Meta-logic is a concept that challenges traditional logic and reasoning. It is the idea of communicating beyond the semantic level and conveying a truth that lies beyond ordinary meaning. This concept is often associated with the absurd, but the term “absurd” is misleading. Instead, the expression “meta-logical” is a more accurate description of this phenomenon.

To communicate at the meta-logical level, one must construct apparent contradictions in terms of ordinary meaning. This is akin to the use of koans in Zen Buddhism, which are paradoxical statements designed to provoke a deeper level of understanding. The purpose of using such language is to project an image just beyond the belief structure of the target person, conveying a deeper meaning that lies beyond ordinary language.

The use of meta-logic raises the question of whether most concepts are diversionary, making the real, infinitely more complex nature of reality. The answer may be that meta-logic does not refer to itself, and it is not logical. It is a manifestation of a much more complex technology, a way of understanding reality that has been seen throughout history in the form of myth, religion, magic, and science.

Throughout history, meta-logic has consistently received or provided its own explanation within the framework of each culture. In myth, gods were often used to explain the mysteries of the universe. During the Middle Ages, magicians and alchemists attempted to understand the natural world through ritual and symbolism. In the 19th century, scientific geniuses like Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison pushed the boundaries of what was possible with technology. Today, the idea of aliens and extraterrestrial life is often used to explain phenomena that defy explanation.

Meta-logic is a concept that goes beyond traditional logic and reasoning. It involves the use of paradoxes and contradictions to communicate a truth that lies beyond the surface level of meaning. While the term “absurd” may be misleading, meta-logic has been observed throughout history in various cultural and intellectual contexts.

One individual who has explored adjacecent territory to meta-logic is Jacques Vallee, a French-born computer scientist, author, and ufologist. Vallee has written extensively on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and their impact on human culture and consciousness.

He argues that the seemingly illogical and contradictory nature of UFO reports and experiences serves a purpose beyond simple explanation or proof of extraterrestrial life.

Instead, Vallee suggests that UFOs may represent a kind of “control system” that is manipulating human consciousness and behavior for a specific purpose. He suggests that this purpose may be related to the evolution of human consciousness and the potential for a radical transformation of human society.

The origins of meta-logic are unknown, but it may be a manifestation of a natural occurrence that we have yet to discover. The key to understanding meta-logic lies in the psychic effects it produces. It is an awareness that we approach under conditions controlled by the absurd. Everything works as if the meta-logic is a product of a technology that follows well-defined rules and patterns.

In conclusion, meta-logic is a concept that challenges traditional logic and reasoning. It is a way of communicating beyond the semantic level and conveying a truth that lies beyond ordinary meaning. The impact of meta-logic in shaping human understanding of the universe has been enormous, and it is a phenomenon that continues to fascinate and inspire people today.

95% UFO

Science? A meat grinder, man. Feeds in observations, spits out explanations neat and tidy. No room for the hairy margins,the psychic static that whispers of things beyond the goddamn control panel.  UFOs? Aliens waltzing in with their flying bathtubs? Not part of the equation, see. Too messy, too damn inconvenient. Belongs in the spook show, with trenchcoats and fedoras instead of lab coats.

They show up on radar, yeah, but that’s just the surface noise. The real action’s happening on the psychic switchboard, scrambled signals from beyond the meat curtain. That’s where the spooks come in, the boys who play chess with blindfolds, gotta sniff out truth through the bullshit fog.

Science? Deals in percentages, a nice clean 95% and they’re high-fivin’ each other in the lab. In the spook biz, 95% is chum in the water. Keeps the marks distracted while the real game’s played out of sight. 

Intelligence, that’s a different animal. Here, truth ain’t a neatly packaged lab report. It’s a whisper in a Tangier alley, a flickering image on a grainy photograph. You, the spook, you wade through the muck, the disinformation, the layers of bullshit thicker than a junkie’s arm. Ninety-five percent? That’s chump change, Burroughs. The easy hustle. The real game’s in that last five, the goddamn heart of the maze. Like Hitler, fat and smug with his Normandy intel. Wrong five percent, see? Led him straight to the goddamn abattoir.

Who’s running the circus, that’s the question. Entities with a taste for the absurd, twisting reality like a funhouse mirror? They’ve built a labyrinth of dead ends and misinformation, a Droste effect of lies reflecting on lies. Data? Science’s crutch. Here, you gotta follow the hunches, the whispers on the psychic switchboard. Logic gets you lost in the hall of mirrors. You gotta feel your way through the static, like a junkie chasing the dragon’s tail. Maybe you never reach the truth, just deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. But hey, at least the ride’

These UFO jokers, if they’re real, they’re playing a long con. A hall of mirrors with a million exits, each one leading deeper into the rabbit hole. Data? Forget data. That’s the bait, the shiny trinket to distract the rubes. You gotta follow the vibes, man, the unspoken dread that crawls up your spine when you see one of those goddamn ships. That’s where the truth is hiding, not in some lab report with charts and graphs. It’s a gut feeling, a cold sweat in the dead of night. That’s where the real hunt begins.