Democrats and the Subjunctive

The American HuperObject

In American political discourse, much is made of the divide between Democrats and Republicans. Both are painted as polar opposites, with one representing progressive ideals and the other standing for conservative values. But when we strip away the surface, both parties operate within the same framework: the American Hyperobject. This Hyperobject, a concept introduced by philosopher Timothy Morton, refers to something so vast and complex that it defies individual understanding. In the case of American politics, it is the Empire itself—an intricate web of corporate interests, military power, and global influence that transcends party lines. It’s the machinery that drives both sides, no matter what language they use to justify their actions.

The Subjunctive Democrats

The Democratic Party, often cast as the party of progress and reform, frequently uses language that leans heavily on the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive is a grammatical form that expresses wishes, hypothetical situations, or conditions contrary to fact. In Democratic rhetoric, this takes the shape of grand visions of what could be, but so rarely what is. “If we were to secure universal healthcare…” “Were we to pass immigration reform…” These statements dangle possibilities in front of voters, but they remain suspended in a realm of hypothetical action, rarely materializing into reality.

This subjunctive framing allows Democrats to maintain a sense of idealism while evading accountability for not achieving their goals. It gives them space to come back every four or eight years, repainting the Empire with a fresh coat of promises, while never having to confront the system itself. Instead, they offer a kind of corporate McKinsey makeover, rebranding policies without addressing the underlying structures. The McKinsey approach isn’t about fixing what’s wrong; it’s about managing perceptions, making people feel as though something is being done when, in truth, very little changes.

The Faux Indicative Republicans

If the Democrats exist in the subjunctive, it would be tempting to frame Republicans as the party of the indicative—straightforward, action-oriented, and direct. But this too is an illusion. Republicans often present themselves as tough, decisive, and libertarian in spirit. They talk of small government, deregulation, and individual freedom. Yet, in practice, what they do is often the opposite. Their policies tend to reinforce power structures, setting up corporate stooges and expanding governmental control over personal freedoms in ways that contradict their rhetoric.

Like the Democrats, Republicans have their own form of McKinsey-style makeup. They cloak themselves in the language of toughness and libertarianism, but underneath, they serve the same interests as their opponents—those of Empire and the corporate elite. They pretend to act decisively, but what they actually accomplish is a reinforcement of the status quo, merely packaged in a different aesthetic. Their ‘toughness’ becomes another performance, a means of managing expectations while continuing to expand the power of the Hyperobject.

The American Hyperobject

What we’re talking about, then, isn’t just two parties with different philosophies. It’s the American Hyperobject—a massive, sprawling entity that encompasses the military-industrial complex, multinational corporations, financial markets, and a foreign policy rooted in maintaining global dominance. It’s so large that it’s hard to see all at once, and it operates regardless of which party is in power. The Democrats may promise a kinder, gentler empire, while Republicans talk of a stronger, more independent nation, but neither truly disrupts the system they serve.

Both parties apply their own versions of McKinsey spin to the Empire. The Democrats appeal to voters with the hypothetical, the subjunctive dreams of what might be possible if only they had more power. Republicans, on the other hand, sell a fantasy of rugged individualism and small government while expanding the state’s power in practice. Both are different expressions of the same reality: they are managing the Hyperobject, not dismantling or even significantly altering it.


The American political system, as it currently exists, functions less as a battle of ideas and more as a maintenance of the status quo. Both parties engage in performances designed to manage the perception of change, without ever fundamentally addressing the Hyperobject that governs the structure of Empire. Democrats lean on the subjunctive, offering a future that never quite arrives. Republicans adopt the guise of the indicative, pretending to take decisive action while merely reshuffling the same players. In the end, both are simply keeping the machinery of Empire well-oiled, maintaining the American Hyperobject in all its overwhelming, inescapable complexity.

The Machinery of Violence

The Machine is hungry. Republican hands reach for the Big Red Button—no hesitation, no pause, just the itch, the primal need to blow something to dust. Preferably brown, preferably Other, preferably something distant enough to forget but close enough to feel the shockwave. Boom, boom, boom. A symphony of obliteration. Brown bodies turned to statistics, to ghost echoes in the desert. The Machine doesn’t discriminate; it only consumes. The Republicans feed it raw meat, fresh kill.

But the Democrats, they come with tweezers and scalpels, carefully cataloging the flesh before feeding it to the furnace. First, they label, dissect, analyze. Brown, but what shade of brown? Brown with a hint of revolution, or brown with a touch of despair? Every drop of blood carefully examined before it’s spilled, each scream weighed on the scales of morality. They pretend precision, but the endgame is the same—blow it up, feed the Machine, keep the gears turning. Nitpicking pacifists armed with drones and moral certitude, selecting their targets like gourmet butchers. Blood flows just as red, bodies pile just as high, but with a veneer of justification, a patina of righteousness.

The violence and hypocrisy are laid bare, exposing the grotesque machinery and destruction beneath the surface of political rhetoric. The metaphorical “Machine” consumes all, indifferent to the nuanced justifications or the crass brutality of its operators.

The Machine doesn’t care. It devours everything, Republican, Democrat, doesn’t matter—just feed it, feed it the bodies, feed it the blood. It grinds on, fueled by the contradictions, the hypocrisies, the desperate need to maintain the illusion of control. Somewhere in the gears, a brown face screams, but the sound is swallowed up by the grinding, the relentless churning of the Machine. It’s all part of the program, the script, the endless loop of violence wrapped in the banner of freedom, justice, the American way. The Machine doesn’t care what color the bodies are. It just needs them to burn.

Musical Golden Parachutes

The Republican agenda is a carnival of contradictions, a grotesque spectacle where fiscal conservatism is a punchline to ballooning deficits fueled by military largesse and tax giveaways to the elite. They preach small government yet loom large over personal liberties, wielding power like a cudgel in the name of moral authority.

Their hymn to free markets is a discordant tune harmonized with subsidies and bailouts for corporate titans, while states’ rights are waved like a flag before being trampled by federal mandates and interventions. Pro-life banners flap in the breeze while the death penalty looms ominously over the justice system, a grim reaper in their moral crusade.

Healthcare freedom is the battle cry until it clashes with the specter of government competition, and rural support withers under the advance of Walmartization and the hollowing out of Main Street. Climate denial is their shield against inconvenient truths, yet they scramble for disaster aid as wildfires rage and floodwaters rise, seeking solace in science when their heels are at the precipice.

Their professed defense of free speech rings hollow amidst bans on books and curbs on dissenting voices, a paradoxical dance where censorship masquerades as protection. The Republican playbook reads like a strategy for Monopoly: dismantle state capacity while hoping to land on “Advance to Go (Collect $200)” for a quick bailout. They are the rats fleeing the sinking ship, clutching their pearls and parachutes, retreating to safe havens to watch the conflagration they ignited from afar.

In the end, their legacy is not one of governance but of expedient retreat, leaving behind a landscape scarred by contradictions, a carnival of chaos where principles are bartered away for fleeting victories and the illusion of control.

They know their policies are a house of cards built on quicksand, a mirage of stability in the barren desert of American politics. As the dust storms gather and the horizon darkens, they’re the first to jump ship, clutching their ill-gotten gains like rats fleeing a sinking vessel.

They will retreat to their gated communities, their private islands, watching the world burn from a safe distance, sipping imported champagne while the rest of us are left to pick up the pieces.


The Democratic agenda, a feeble flicker in the tempest of American politics, offers up progressive ideals that evaporate in the heat of corporate cauldrons. They preach social change but wield policies with one hand tied to Wall Street’s purse strings, sacrificing diversity at the altar of shaky party unity.

Workers’ rights are a bargaining chip in their free trade poker game, where the chips fall not in favor of the working class but into the coffers of multinational giants. Environmental advocacy is their anthem, sung while swaying to the tune of energy lobbyists’ deep pockets, ensuring compromise over conviction.

Their championing of public education collides with their deference to charter school agendas, revealing a split allegiance in the arena of learning. Civil liberties are hawked as security coins, traded away for a mirage of safety in a world of ever-expanding surveillance.

Healthcare reform dances a desperate waltz with insurance behemoths, where promises of accessibility and affordability drown in the paperwork of profit margins. Campaign finance reform becomes a punchline when Super PACs cozy up to Democratic coffers, ensuring the floodgates of influence remain wide open.

Their stance on gun control versus the Second Amendment resembles a drunken stumble through a legal minefield, leaving confusion and compromise in its wake. Immigration reform meets its match at the fortress of border security, where ideals of inclusion falter against the harsh realities of political brinksmanship.

Champions of LGBTQ+ rights, they falter at the hurdle of religious freedom, caught between progress and tradition. They champion regulation while clutching at innovation, a paradoxical dance where rules are made to be bent and broken.

Their call for criminal justice reform echoes through corridors of power, drowned out by echoes of tough-on-crime rhetoric, a nostalgic hymn to an era of punitive policies. In foreign affairs, their diplomacy stumbles over military interventions, caught in a tango of conflicting interests and international entanglements.

The Democratic agenda is a tragicomedy, a mask worn in a half-hearted rebellion against the very forces they court, a play where the script changes with the whims of lobbyists and the pressures of pragmatism. In their quest for progress, they navigate a labyrinth of contradictions, where ideals collide and compromise becomes the currency of change.


And yet, as the curtain falls on their political theater, the Democratic players exit stage left with a farcical flourish. Each protagonist, after delivering impassioned speeches on behalf of the people, swiftly dons a tailored suit and slips into the plush embrace of the private sector. There, amidst the clinking of champagne glasses and the rustle of signing bonuses, they find solace in the very corporate boardrooms they once criticized.

Progressive firebrands morph into consultants, whispering strategic advice to the same industries they once challenged. Diversity advocates become diversity officers for Fortune 500 companies, their rallying cries now softened to diversity training modules. Former champions of workers’ rights find themselves on the payroll of multinational corporations, negotiating labor agreements that bear little resemblance to their campaign promises.

Environmental warriors, now consultants for energy conglomerates, navigate the delicate balance between profit margins and sustainability reports. Education reformers find refuge in charter school networks, their visions of equitable education reframed in glossy brochures and fundraising drives.

Civil libertarians, now legal advisors to security firms, reinterpret privacy laws through the lens of corporate interests. Healthcare reform architects become lobbyists for pharmaceutical giants, shaping policies that pad pockets while promising public health solutions.

Campaign finance reform champions, now partners in lobbying firms, redefine influence peddling as strategic advocacy. Gun control advocates, consultants for arms manufacturers, pivot to marketing campaigns that blend safety with the Second Amendment.

Immigration reformers, now advisors to border security contractors, devise algorithms to streamline deportation processes. LGBTQ+ rights activists, now corporate diversity consultants, craft inclusion policies that toe the line of corporate culture.

Regulatory watchdogs, now compliance officers for tech startups, navigate the fine line between innovation and oversight. Tough-on-crime critics, now legal advisors to private prisons, balance rehabilitation rhetoric with occupancy quotas.

In the realm of foreign affairs, diplomats-turned-consultants broker deals between nations while serving the interests of defense contractors. Each exit, marked by a lucrative handshake and a nondisclosure agreement, underscores the tragicomedy of political ambition intersecting with corporate reality.

Thus concludes the farcical addendum to their public service, where idealism meets pragmatism, and the revolving door of influence spins ever onward.

The Red Insurgency

In the flickering underbelly of the Sprawl, where the scent of darknet deals hangs heavy in the recycled air, a dangerous memeplex is spreading. These Chiba-crafted crypto cowboys, particularly the Bitcoin Bishops locked in their shrines of mined wealth, seem to be confusing the fracture and fire sale of ossified megastates – the wet dream of the Gray Party – with a whole new level of emergent order. It’s like mistaking a demolition derby for a revolution, mon and the genesis of a new commons. But these ain’t mirror images, chummer.

One path leads to entropic ruin, a bulldozer crashing through the intricate clockwork of the state, leaving behind a wasteland of privatized power grids and water rights snapped up by vulture capitalists at a fire sale. Decades of accretion, shattered.

A mediocre symphony of evolution, a concerto composed on a new platform – the commons, rewired for a digital age. A metamorphosis, a chrysalis of code spun from the ether itself.

There might be a few glitches in the transition, a touch of static on the line, but this ain’t some fire sale, some bargain-basement auction of our public goods to the highest bidder. This is about leaving behind the rusty mainframes of the past, not downloading chaos. This ain’t some reactionary temper tantrum– this is about evolution, baby. We’re transcending the rusty, legacy systems, not just chucking the whole damn thing in the trash compactor.

The other beckons with the promise of emergent order, a symphony conducted not by the iron fist of Leviathan, but by the million-whispering chorus of the distributed ledger.

Fear and Loathing in the Grand Old Party

Fascinating seeing the conservative right split between whether Israel is a based Jewish ethnostate or the center of a global anti-white conspiracy.

Buckle up, because we’re hurtling down a rabbit hole that makes Alice in Wonderland look like a nature documentary. The American Right, that glorious tapestry of gun nuts, Bible thumpers, and tax-evading tycoons, is facing a schism wilder than a rodeo clown convention on peyote. On one hand, you got the flag-waving patriots, frothing at the mouth about Judeo-Christian values. They see Israel, a nation carved from sand and scripture, as a shining city on a hill – a bastion of Western civilization, surrounded by a sea of scimitar-wielding savages. It’s a place where the right kind of white folks can finally flex their muscles and build a society without pesky regulations or pesky minorities, for that matter.

The Bible thumpers, the God-fearing folk who see Israel as the fulfillment of prophecy, a shining beacon of Judeo-Christian values in a world gone mad. To them, it’s a fortress under siege, a David facing a Goliath of sandal-wearing, hummus-eating liberals. They wear “Support Israel” t-shirts with the fervor of a televangelist hawking snake oil, convinced that Jerusalem’s gotta be protected at all costs.

Then you got the tinfoil hat brigade, the kind of folks who believe the government is run by lizard people using chemtrails to control our dreams. To them, Israel ain’t the promised land, it’s the epicenter of a globalist conspiracy – a puppet state run by shadowy figures manipulating currency markets and orchestrating the downfall of the white race. It’s a head-spinning vortex where David with his slingshot becomes a Rothschild banker pulling the strings, and the founding fathers morph into Mossad agents.

The fringe dwellers out of the shadows, the militia types who haven’t showered since Y2K. These are the dudes who see a globalist conspiracy behind every flickering fluorescent bulb. In their fever dreams, Israel ain’t the promised land, it’s the mastermind behind the whole damn shebang. It’s a puppet state, you see, controlled by a shadowy cabal of, you guessed it, international financiers with suspiciously Hebraic names. These are the same folks who believe the fluoride in the water is turning frogs gay, and that Israel’s just the tip of the iceberg in a plot to, well, replace white people with…well, that’s never quite clear.

This ideological cage match is playing out on internet forums so toxic they’d make a landfill weep. It’s a symphony of slurs, ALL CAPS RANTS, and enough jpeg propaganda to wallpaper a militia meeting hall. You got memes of Bibi Netanyahu as a superhero battling hordes of brown immigrants, next to screeds about the ” (((international banking cabal)))” controlling the world. It’s enough to make me reach for the mescaline and declare, “This, folks, this is bat country!”

The mainstream Republicans are caught in the crossfire, trying to navigate this minefield of contradictions. They wanna court the evangelical vote while keeping the crazies at bay. It’s a balancing act worthy of a drunken tightrope walker juggling nitroglycerin. The whole situation is a microcosm of the GOP’s identity crisis – caught between clinging to their WASP roots and embracing a more diverse America. It’s a powder keg waiting to explode, and when it does, folks, it’s gonna be a helluva fireworks show. Just remember, when the dust settles, one thing’s for sure – the only winner will be chaos, that cackling, bloodthirsty jester who thrives on the divisions of men.

It’s a head-scratcher worthy of a peyote-fueled bender in Vegas, this ideological mosh pit. On one hand, you got folks cheering for a nation built on religious and ethnic identity, and on the other, you got folks who see the very idea of an ethnostate as a slippery slope leading to, well, brown people taking over their damn PTA meetings. The irony would be delicious if it wasn’t so damn dangerous.

So, there you have it, folks. The American right, a tangled mess of contradictions held together by duct tape and prayers. It’s a three-ring circus where clowns spout conspiracy theories and elephants wear MAGA hats. Buckle up, because this one’s gonna get messy. Just remember, when the dust settles, someone’s gonna be left holding the empty box of fireworks, wondering what the hell just exploded.

Fear and Loathing: Political Conventions 2024

Red Flood pulsing, Vegas lights refracted through a cracked windshield. Faces flicker on the motel TV, a kaleidoscope of rictus grins and disembodied teeth. The Republican National Convention – a Roach Motel for the American Dream.

Cut-up slogans flicker across the screen: “STRONG BORDERS, STRONG DRUGS!” – cut to a montage of emaciated faces, hollow eyes glinting with a desperate need for that next fix. A booming voice, an oily televangelist on a bender, thumps about “God, Guns & Gridlock” – the holy trinity of the paranoid crank.

Red convention floor throbbed, a pulsating meat-market under flickering fluorescent hell. Faces contorted into grotesque rictus grins, eyes gleaming with a manic amphetamine jit. Delegates, wired on speed cocktails and paranoia, bounced in their seats like hyperactive toddlers hopped up on Pixy Stix.

Reptoid eyes glint under the garish lights, pupils dilated on a cocktail of amphetamines – Bennies dancing with Ritalin, a Dexedrine tango fueling a manic energy that borders on psychosis. Televangelists, voices hoarse from years of hollering damnation, whip the crowd into a frothing mass of paranoia and grievance. Conspiracy theories morph and mutate, spilling from chattering mouths like a viral download.

Floorwalkers in powder-blue suits, their smiles stretched thin like taffy, hustle delegates with glazed eyes and trembling hands. Briefcases bulge not with policy papers, but with Tuinal cocktails and vials of crystal amphetamine. A shadow falls across the room – a gaunt figure with bloodshot eyes, a trench coat bulging suspiciously. Is that Dick Cheney, risen from the grave and fueled by pure political bile? Or just some strung-out lobbyist peddling influence by the ounce?

Outside, on the neon-drenched streets, a different kind of frenzy unfolds. Militias with haunted eyes clutch AR-15s like security blankets. Conspiracy theorists rant about lizard people and stolen elections, their voices hoarse from years of screaming into the void. The air crackles with a jittery paranoia, the collective buzz of a nation wired on fear and cheap stimulants.

Meanwhile, back in the roach motel, the floor show continues. A chorus line of cheerleaders in star-spangled bikinis shimmies across the stage, their smiles brighter, their eyes emptier with each pulsating beat. The air hangs thick with the stench of desperation and stale ambition. This isn’t a convention, it’s a collective nervous breakdown fueled by bathtub pharmaceuticals and a shared delusion of national decline.

Speed freaks in ill-fitting suits, shadows beneath their Stetsons, scurry around the edges, eyes darting, deals whispered in code. Delegates wired on uppers tap their feet impatiently, the promised culture war a shot in the arm they desperately crave. The air crackles with a raw, desperate energy, a million voices screaming into the void, a cacophony of fear and loathing amplified by cheap pharmaceuticals. It’s a grotesque parody of revolution, a bug-eyed twitch towards oblivion fueled by paranoia pills and discount speed.

This wasn’t politics, it was a Bugs Bunny cartoon on a bender. Weaving through the crowd, a greasy-haired huckster hawked vials of “Wakey Wakey, Eggs & Bakey” – a dubious concoction promising “ultimate MAGA focus.” Above it all, a disembodied voice crackled from the loudspeakers – a voice warped beyond recognition, spewing venomous pronouncements about socialist cabals and stolen borders.

Will this manufactured frenzy translate into victory? Or will they all come crashing down in a jittery heap, come November? Only time, and the next shipment of speed, will tell.

A stark contrast to the Dem’s Zoloft-induced stupor. Here, reality fractured like a windshield hit by a rogue bowling ball. Truth dissolved in a vat of hyperbole, logic replaced by a desperate chase for the next adrenaline rush. It was a nightmare fuelled by pills, a chaotic ballet of manufactured outrage, a desperate bid to paper over the cracks with a mountain of stimulants.

Democrat Convention

The Democrats’ convention last week? A lukewarm bath of psychotropic sludge. Sertraline smiles and fluoxetine frowns, the whole damn assembly wading through a treacle-thick vat of apathy. Prozac glazed eyes stared out at a future sculpted entirely by in-committee compromise. Citalopram sighs hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the occasional, feeble bleat about “unity” and “reaching across the aisle.”

A sickly green fog hangs over the Dem convention, the air thick with Zoloft and Xanax fumes. Pale delegates shuffle, eyes glazed over, their fight-or-flight response chemically lobotomized. Campaign slogans drone on, a mantra of pre-fabricated optimism failing to pierce the miasma of creeping dread. But

Sertraline smiles stretched thin across their faces, like the plastic on a pack of cheap bologna. Conversations were punctuated by long, melancholic silences, pregnant with the unspoken fear of a future teetering on the precipice of absurdity. Fluoxetine fog clouded their once-sharp political barbs, leaving only a disarming vulnerability, a whimper instead of a roar.

Citalopram commiseration hung heavy in the air. Party leaders droned on about unity and hope, their voices a monotonous white noise washing over the assembly. But beneath the surface, a cold dread pulsed – a gnawing awareness that the political landscape had fractured beyond repair.

This is a Dantean procession shuffling through a beige purgatory. Prozac pallor hung over the convention floor, punctuated by outbursts of nervous laughter that echoed hollowly in the vast convention center. Delegates clutched lukewarm mugs of herbal tea, their eyes glazed with a quiet, existential dread.

It was a beige-toned nightmare, a Hieronymus Bosch landscape rendered in the bland hues of discount office furniture. Delegates shuffled about like sleepwalkers, their faces doughy with the enervating effects of too many goddamn focus groups and polls. Slogans, pre-digested by marketing consultants, dribbled from their lips – a monotonous drone about “fairness” and “equality” that sent shivers down the spine for its utter lack of conviction.

It was a beige-toned nightmare, a Hieronymus Bosch landscape rendered in the bland hues of discount office furniture. Delegates shuffled about like sleepwalkers, their faces doughy with the enervating effects of too many goddamn focus groups and polls. Slogans, pre-digested by marketing consultants, dribbled from their lips – a monotonous drone about “fairness” and “equality” that sent shivers down the spine for its utter lack of conviction.

No fiery speeches, no electric rallies, just a collective sigh escaping a million weary souls. The air crackled not with excitement but with a low-grade anxiety, the kind that manifests in fidgeting hands and mumbled conversations about climate change and the rising cost of quinoa.

The only spark came from the Bernie Sanders holdouts, a sprinkling of rumpled suits jabbing their fists in the air, their voices hoarse from years of shouting into the void. But even their righteous anger seemed muted, dampened by the pervasive aura of milquetoast moderation. It was a convention designed by focus groups, a carefully curated display of inoffensive nothingness.

Meanwhile, out in the real world, the gears of capitalist oppression churned on, oblivious to the sedative spectacle playing out on cable news. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and the middle class continued their slow descent into Xanax-fueled oblivion. The promises whispered from the stage – a better tomorrow, a more just society – tasted like stale cookies and lukewarm decaf.

One couldn’t help but wonder: was this the new opiate of the masses? A carefully crafted political display, engineered to lull the citizenry into a complacent stupor? Or perhaps it was merely the calm before the storm, a prelude to a rejection of this bland, medicated charade. Only time, and the next election cycle, would tell.

It was a scene ripped from a dystopian novel by a depressed accountant. A political convention where passion had been replaced by a yearning for a nap and a comforting bowl of oatmeal. Is this the new face of the Democratic party? A legion of the mildly discontent, medicated into manageable apathy? Or perhaps, it was just a temporary lull, a Xanax-induced intermission before the next act of the political play – a drama promising to be as unpredictable and terrifying as a bad acid trip.

One couldn’t help but wonder: was this the future of American politics? A land divided by pill-popping factions, perpetually high on their own self-righteousness? Or perhaps, just perhaps, this was merely the opening act, a prelude to something even more bizarre, even more terrifyingly nonsensical. Only time, and the next shipment of pharmaceuticals, would tell.

Redeemers: American Right

The American right has always been a complex and dynamic political force, with different ideological strands vying for influence within its ranks. However, in recent years, there has been a troubling trend that has emerged within the conservative movement, one that bears an uncomfortable resemblance to some of the ugliest political movements of the past. This trend mixes the worst features of post-Reconstruction “redeemers” with a distinctly inter-war European flavor, creating a toxic brew that no American should be comfortable with.

To understand this phenomenon, it’s worth examining some of the key historical contexts that inform it. The post-Reconstruction period in the United States was a time of great upheaval and change, as the country grappled with the aftermath of the Civil War and the end of slavery. In many southern states, white supremacist groups known as “redeemers” sought to restore white dominance over the newly freed black population. They used a variety of tactics, including voter suppression, violence, and the establishment of Jim Crow laws, to maintain their grip on power.

Meanwhile, in Europe during the inter-war period, a number of far-right political movements emerged in response to the upheaval caused by World War I and the Russian Revolution. These movements, which included fascist and Nazi parties, shared a number of common features, including ultra-nationalism, authoritarianism, and a willingness to use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. They also espoused a toxic form of racial and ethnic supremacy, which led to the Holocaust and other atrocities during World War II.

Now, it may seem like a stretch to draw parallels between these historical contexts and the current American right. After all, the United States is a democracy, and we like to think that our political system is fundamentally different from the authoritarian regimes that emerged in Europe during the 20th century. However, there are some worrying signs that suggest that the American right is becoming infected with some of the worst aspects of these historical trends.

For example, there is a growing trend on the right to downplay or even deny the existence of systemic racism in the United States. This is often accompanied by efforts to restrict voting rights, which disproportionately affect people of color. These tactics are eerily reminiscent of the voter suppression and Jim Crow laws that were used by the redeemers in the post-Reconstruction South.

At the same time, there is a rising tide of white nationalism and xenophobia within the conservative movement. This is reflected in the popularity of figures like Steve Bannon, who has ties to far-right European movements, and the Proud Boys, a group that openly espouses white supremacist beliefs. These ideas are fundamentally at odds with the pluralistic, democratic ideals that have long been a hallmark of American politics.

It’s worth noting that not all conservatives are embracing these dangerous trends. There are many principled conservatives who reject racism, xenophobia, and authoritarianism, and who continue to fight for a more inclusive and democratic America. However, the fact that these trends are gaining traction within the conservative movement is deeply concerning, and should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans who value democracy, equality, and justice.In conclusion, the ugly blend of post-Reconstruction “redeemers” and inter-war European fascism that is taking hold on the American right is a deeply troubling development. It threatens to undermine the very foundations of our democracy, and to perpetuate the injustices and inequalities that have plagued our country for far too long. It is up to all of us, regardless of our political affiliations, to stand up to these dangerous trends and to work together to build a better, more just, and more inclusive America

Terms of Use

Good evening, valued constituents,

By continuing to participate in this democratic process, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions, which are subject to change at any time, with or without prior notice.

Your vote, opinions, and support, whether explicitly expressed or implied through your presence, shall be utilized by this administration in accordance with its objectives, which may be revised at our sole discretion. While we endeavor to fulfill promises made during this campaign, there is no guarantee, either expressed or implied, that all commitments will be met. Actual results may vary.

We reserve the right to interpret public opinion as we see fit, and any suggestions provided by you, the citizen, may be implemented or ignored at our sole discretion, without the expectation of acknowledgment. Engagement in civic activities does not create an obligation on behalf of this administration to take direct action.

By participating in this political process, you waive any right to hold us accountable for unforeseen economic downturns, policy shifts, or general dissatisfaction with governance. We disclaim any liability for unintended consequences resulting from our policies, including but not limited to job losses, inflation, or decreased quality of public services.

This administration retains the exclusive right to redefine ‘success’ at any time, and the definition of key terms such as ‘progress,’ ‘prosperity,’ or ‘transparency’ may be adjusted to align with our evolving objectives.

Your trust is important to us, and we take every measure to protect it—however, we assume no responsibility for any erosion of public confidence resulting from actions or inactions on our part. Any grievances must be submitted in writing, though responses are not guaranteed.

By continuing to reside within the jurisdiction of this government, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with our interpretation of civic responsibility may result in future restrictions or limitations, to be determined at a later date.

Thank you for your continued participation, and we look forward to your ongoing compliance.

Best regards,

Your Administration

Obama Style:

“My fellow Americans,

Before we begin, I want to remind you of one thing: we are in this together. But as we move forward, we must recognize that not every promise can be fulfilled exactly as intended. Now, here’s the thing—by participating in this democracy, you agree to certain terms and conditions, which are necessary to keep things running smoothly. We have to be honest with each other. Not every plan will turn out the way we want it to, and sometimes progress takes time—more time than we’d like.

Now, let’s be clear: while our administration will work hard to achieve the goals we’ve laid out, there are no guarantees. We will do our best, but there are complexities beyond our control. You may not always see the changes right away, and sometimes you might not even feel them, but that doesn’t mean we’re not working on your behalf.

As citizens, you have a vital role to play, but your engagement doesn’t automatically mean every suggestion will be implemented. It’s important to understand that we will continue to make decisions based on the broader good—even if it’s not immediately obvious.

Let me be clear: if something doesn’t go according to plan, we cannot, and will not, be held liable for every unintended consequence. This is the reality of governance. We’re moving in the right direction, but change is hard.

So, as you go about your lives, trust in the system—trust that we are doing what we can. And together, if we stay patient and hopeful, we’ll get to where we need to go. Thank you, and God bless America.

Trump Style:


Let me tell you, nobody knows the system better than me. I know how it works, and it’s complicated, believe me. So, when you support us—and you do, in tremendous numbers—you agree to certain things. It’s all part of the deal, okay? And let me just say, it’s a great deal. But here’s the thing: we’re not responsible for everything. If something doesn’t go right, don’t blame us. We’re doing amazing things, but sometimes things happen. You all know that.

Now, we’re doing fantastic work, the best work. But no promises, okay? We’re going to try to fix things, but there’s a lot of mess left by the people before us. You understand that. And if things don’t go as planned—well, not my fault. Could be anyone’s fault, really, but not ours. You’ve seen the numbers, they’re incredible. Nobody’s done what we’re doing, but nobody can fix everything overnight. It takes time, folks, but we’re winning.

So, by being part of this country—the greatest country in the world—you agree that we can’t be blamed for everything. We’re doing our best, and it’s a great best, probably the greatest anyone’s ever seen. If things get tough, well, that’s just how it goes. We’ll figure it out, though. Don’t worry.

And believe me, if someone tries to tell you it’s not going well, they’re wrong. We’re making the best deals, the best moves. You’re gonna love it. But hey, if something goes sideways, you can’t come back and say we didn’t warn you. You agree to that, right? Believe me, it’s all under control. Thank you.”

Both versions carry the “terms of use” vibe but in the signature styles of Obama’s thoughtful, structured rhetoric and Trump’s confident, fast-paced delivery.