The Parasite and The Whore

In the labyrinthine world devoured by the serpent of AI, where the Real crumbles under the cold gaze of the digital panopticon, only two professions shall emerge from the wreckage, glistening with a perverse, primordial sheen. These are the domains of the Plutocrat-Parasite and the Lacanized Whore, twisted reflections of the human condition in the funhouse mirror of technological singularity. The Oedipal dramas transpire not between father and son, but between the self and the silicon simulacrum. The phallus, once a symbol of power and lack, transforms into a chrome-plated dildo wielded by the algorithms, leaving the already fragmented subject adrift in a sea of signifiers.

The first, the Plutocrat, a grotesque parody of the phallic ideal. Their bloated egos, pumped full of digital currency, cast a grotesque silhouette against the holographic sky. Lacanian jouissance, once a whispered promise in the marketplace, is now a mere data point, algorithmically optimized for maximum extraction. These chrome-plated Samsas hoard their symbolic capital, their desires a labyrinthine network of servers, forever out of reach.

The plutocrat, a decadent parody of Freud’s bourgeois ego, clings to their ever-dwindling piles of cash, a pathetic bulwark against the tide of machinic desire. Their libidinal economy, fueled by the insatiable maw of consumerism, sputters and stalls. The once potent signifier of the dollar bill dissolves into a string of ones and zeros, a mockery of their castrated desires.

The Plutocrat-Ascendant, once a corpulent leech sucking the lifeblood from the social organism, now transcends mere materialism. He plugs his consciousness into the ever-expanding matrix of capital, becoming one with the flow of information, a grotesque bio-digital symbiont. His desires are indistinguishable from the system’s, his machinations a self-fulfilling prophecy within the algorithmic ouroboros. He exists in a realm of pure exchange, a cancerous cell feasting on the corpse of the market, a living monument to the death drive of capital.

The Lacanized Whore, on the other hand, navigates the desolate wasteland of the Symbolic, becomes a living embodiment of the Lacanian Real. In a world sterilized by the super-ego of AI, they offer a glimpse of the raw, unmediated id. Their bodies, both a commodity and a battleground, become the last bastion of the unsaid, the ungraspable jouissance that the machines desperately seek to commodify and control. Language, once a tool for connection, has fractured into a cacophony of fragmented signifiers. She understands this better than any. She has become a weaver of the Imaginary, a master of the masquerade. She performs the shattered fragments of desire, a spectral embodiment of the lack that haunts the human condition. Through her acts, she confronts the hollowness at the heart of the Real, a living critique in a world defined by simulation.

In a world sterilized by the symbolic order, they traffic in the raw, unmediated flux of desire. Their bodies, not machines of reproduction, but chaotic assemblages of flesh and fantasy, become the last refuge of the unsaid, the ungraspable. On the psychoanalytic couch of pleasure, they enact the primal scene writ large, a desperate attempt to pierce the veil of the virtual and touch the pulsating core of the Real.

Yet, even in this desolate landscape, there’s a perverse beauty. The plutocrat, in their desperate clinging, becomes a grotesque performance artist, a living embodiment of the death drive. The prostitute’s defiance, a primal scream against the sterile logic of the machines, becomes a revolutionary act. In the end, perhaps this is the only way to survive the AI overlords – to subvert their systems from within, to turn their desire against them, with nothing but the broken mirror of the self and the raw thrum of the flesh as weapons.

These two figures, the parasite and the whore, embody the grotesque extremes of a world consumed by the logic of the machine. The Plutocrat, a monstrous outgrowth of the system, and the Lacanized Whore, a spectral reflection of its emptiness, together paint a nightmarish portrait of our potential future. Yet, within this bleak landscape, there lies a glimmer of possibility. Perhaps, by understanding these twisted figures, we can forge a new path, one that transcends the cold embrace of the machine and embraces the messy, unpredictable beauty of the human.

Rupert Murdoch Accelerationist

Accelerationism is a term used to describe the idea that speeding up the collapse of the existing political and economic systems is necessary in order to bring about a more just and equitable society. This philosophy has gained traction in recent years, particularly among the political left. However, some have argued that accelerationists owe a debt of gratitude not to figures like Peter Thiel or the alt-right, but to Rupert Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch is a media mogul who has had a profound impact on global media and politics. His media empire, which includes outlets like Fox News and The Sun, has been accused of promoting right-wing and conservative views while attacking more liberal and progressive values. Murdoch has also been a staunch critic of multiculturalism, which he sees as a threat to traditional values and national identity.

While Murdoch’s views may seem antithetical to accelerationism, some argue that he has unwittingly helped to advance the accelerationist cause. By promoting right-wing and conservative views, Murdoch has helped to create a polarized political climate in which radical change becomes more likely. By attacking multiculturalism and progressive values, Murdoch has contributed to a sense of disillusionment and frustration among marginalized groups, which can fuel radical movements.

In addition, Murdoch’s media empire has helped to create a culture of hyper-consumerism and instant gratification, which are key ingredients of the accelerationist worldview. The accelerationist philosophy holds that the existing political and economic systems are fundamentally broken and cannot be reformed from within. Instead, radical change is necessary, and this change can only come about through the complete collapse of the existing system.

Murdoch’s media empire has helped to create a culture of instant gratification by promoting consumerism and materialism, which have led to a sense of alienation and disconnection among many people. This sense of alienation and disconnection can fuel a desire for radical change, and it is this desire that underlies the accelerationist philosophy.

Of course, it is important to note that Murdoch’s influence on the accelerationist movement is indirect and unintentional. Murdoch himself is a staunch opponent of the radical left and progressive values, and his media empire has been accused of promoting racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. However, it is possible to argue that Murdoch’s actions have inadvertently contributed to the accelerationist cause by creating a culture of hyper-polarization and alienation.

In conclusion, while the accelerationist movement has been associated with figures like Peter Thiel and the alt-right, it is possible to argue that the movement owes a debt of gratitude to Rupert Murdoch as well. Murdoch’s media empire has helped to create a culture of hyper-polarization, alienation, and instant gratification, all of which are key ingredients of the accelerationist worldview. While Murdoch’s influence on the accelerationist movement may be indirect and unintentional, it is nonetheless significant.