4th Dimension


Feels like leaving Flatland. In addition to the usual three spatial co-ordinates, these notes have an extra label, which can act like a co-ordinate along space time. By tracking all four co-ordinates together, we 

: It is not down on any map; true places never are.

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>map out in real time how a music moves in four dimensions
the two-dimensional surface of a (three-dimensional) ball in three-dimensional space is a 2-sphere, often simply called a sphere, the three-dimensional boundary of a (four-dimensional) 4-ball in four-dimensional Euclidean is a 3-sphere, also known as a glome.
Think of illogical, logical, and alogical or immoral, moral, and amoral. We use “aperspectival” to clearly emphasize the need of overcoming the mere antithesis of perspective or no perspective Mar 26, 2020
Aperspectival’ is not to be thought of as merely the opposite of ‘perspectival’; the antithesis of ‘perspectival’ is ‘unperspectival.’ Mar 26, 2020
While the three common axes are generally referred to as the x, y, and z axes, Added to them, however, is another axis entirely the fourth falls on the w axis. Mar 26, 2020
Mobius, for example, understood that, in this dimension, a three dimensional object could be taken and rotated on to its mirror image. Mar 26, 2020
So I expect good writing to look a lot like a mathematical extension of the 

Every word or concept, clear as it may seem to be, has only a limited range of applicability.

— Werner Heisenberg

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>concept of three-dimensional into four-dimensional space. So I don’t see a problem other see. https://t.co/elSqwAi4Uj Mar 26, 2020
So if you’re looking to bust a genre you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Time is no longer spatialized but integrated and concretized as a fourth dimension. By this means it renders time, is expressed in an intensified and valid form as the present. Mar 26, 2020
Three-dimensional space is the simplest possible 

It’s easier to hijack something abstract , war on terror, too big to fail, war on drugs, etc than something concrete: income tax rates under Eisenhower were 90 percent, Canada health-care system is paid for through taxes.

Abstractions live longer than details. Information fades away faster than abstractions. Since specifics will change, position them where they will cause the least amount of pressure to change. Anything that acts as metadata. if an abstraction makes things more complicated, it’s the wrong abstraction. Use abstraction to hide the implementation details of something behind a single idea

We abstract to refer to intractable qualities, ideas, and concepts. We know that things like “truth,” “meaning, and “grace theoretically help us solve problems. The problem being a Cthulhu abstraction will be created when we fail to solve a problem. … Stuff that looks the same may not always change the same way. What used to be a generic abstraction now behaves differently depending on the situation. New requirements. Other variables to consider. Add another conditional. Loop until it all becomes unintelligible. Your life takes a drastic turn for the worse 

Abstractions have sunken costs that represent time and effort put in, and we’re very motivated to extract rent for time and effort even though it has become now a disorder that interweaves a variety of unrelated concepts difficult to comprehend but easy to destroy. Moving forward with the wrong abstraction will cost you. Adding features is expensive and every success further complicates convincing you are in the right path when you’re lost in the woods If you can move from “I must protect my sunken costs in this abstraction” to “This abstraction made a lot of sense at the time sense but maybe we’ve learned all we’re going to from it To advance in a better direction is not a retreat. Advance in reverse 

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>abstraction of the observation that one only needs three numbers, dimensions, to describe the sizes or locations of objects in the everyday world The writing of the 

The future is invisible because it does not fit into a tidy category that is already subordinated to the larger scheme of capitalismHence the future predicting and the subsequent plotting to make it soSo technology is someone’s opinion in physical formBut opinions exist regardless of you thinking about themOpinions have their own opinionsThe templates we use have their own opinions which probably wasn’t the opinion you had when you first thought of somethingSo opinions can continue in their existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line – friction, unless changed by an external force.As a matter of fact a large chunk of opinions about the future are still relics downstream from the Neolithic revolution.Rise in the crude birth rate, drop in the crude death rate, more definitive, steady food sources, less hunger, less vulnerable to predators/enemies, development of more language, shared knowledge, timebut poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter gatherers. Diseases jumping from animals to human as well as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, spinal deformations, and dental pathologies.Bigger groups survived better on average but required an increase in their ability to coordinate. The more advanced, the bigger the social groups.So the future is invisible because coordination does not fit into the tidy categories of extraction and rent seeking we have grown accustomedSo what technologies enhance coordination vs extraction and rent seeking?Besides music, I mean ? (Source: https://threader.app/thread/1381461624209334273)

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>future is closer to aperspectival. Mar 26, 2020
In writing space and body are transparent. In this sense where we’re going is neither unperspectival, i.e., a two-dimensional rendering nor is it perspectival, i.e., a three-dimensional.
In math, when you go from 3 to 4 dimensions, there is a sharp switch from visual geometric intuitions to 

Symbols are best understood as signs that have deeper and more complex meaning. Signs translate directly to objects or ideas, and have something of a life of their own. The Christian cross or the Star of David, for example, do not have a direct translation. Rather, they carry symbolic meaning that can differ in different contexts. Worn on a chain around the neck, the cross might be a symbol that a person is Christian. To the person wearing it, however, the cross might be a reminder of personal faith or a means of identifying with a particular sect. This deeper meaning distinguishes the cross as a symbol instead of a sign.

“the difference between poets and mystics . . . The mystic nails a symbol to one meaning that was true for a moment but soon becomes false. The poet, on the other hand, sees that truth while it’s true but understands that symbols are always in flux and that their meanings are fleeting.”

Symbols cannot change without also changing their meanings. This is because symbols point us to unseen regions of the Real. They are not signs of this world so much as signals from elsewhere. In a sense, the symbol is itself the thing it refers to, even though in its self-reference it shoots out to a myriad of other things. The moon as a symbol might correspond with femininity (through its connection with the menstrual cycle), silver (its luminescence), dreams (its connection with sleep), the ocean (its influence on the tides)


Symbols belong to a non-temporal space in which all things are interconnected, not causally but imaginally. The term symbol compounds two Greek words, syn- and bole, which combined mean “thrown together” The symbol is a partial object, the only sensible part of something real yet invisible. It is like the mushroom, which in reality is just the sex organ of the sex organs of the psyche. The word symbol is closer to a neural network or dynamic process than to a static thing. The moon itself, the night, the sea are symbolic images reaching down to a living organism.

Symbols are lenses for observing the imaginal world beyond the range of normal awareness. Moby Dick tells us about Ahab’s decline, as a warning sign that he missed his one and only chance to beat the white whale because of it. The task of art is to get the symbol across in a way that allows it to be preserved and passed on. There is only potentiality for something to be, until the right situation presents itself.


We’re so busy holding onto signals that have been carried to us by symbol systems that you could say we are being ruled by the inventors of the wheel, the plow or the alphabet. Muscle memory is a thing for musicians. You forget by which processes you learned some stuff and vice versa. At the sub-symbolic level as there’s definitely atrophy with respect of prosody, meter, rhythm.

It makes you think if it’s all the symbol-mediated the ones that are gumming up the works. Symbols, signs and icons protect an image of reality, at the expense of reality itself. They fail to represent forces and flows correctly or use a variety for when they talk about the same hyper object. They bind us to narrativium whose function is to make us legible

It’s the bravery of being out of range culturally that instead of using planes to explore the unconscious, or even using planes to fight other planes (signifiers/signifieds/signs) we’re just designing flaps, spoilers and ailerons.

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>symbol-rewriting intuitions, where your right brain gets trained on patterns in how the symbols move around rather than the underlying shapes

when this happens, you quickly lose a sense for the forest over the trees, assembling bigger jigsaw pictures becomes dramatically harder because the space is larger than your visual intuitions can cover…

this happens with words too

when a topic gets sufficiently complex, your big picture intuitions collapse fairly rapidly, and you have to rely on aphorisms and other micro-level thoughts that you then have to grope around and weave together almost blind, because the dimensionality of the idea is too high

You can try all you want to get big picture intuitions, with mind-maps, weird metaphors, or whatever, but there’s a fundamental hardness to the big picture thinking needed that you cannot finesse away

as in math, there’s 3 basic strategies

  1. Give up and stick to 

Symbols are best understood as signs that have deeper and more complex meaning. Signs translate directly to objects or ideas, and have something of a life of their own. The Christian cross or the Star of David, for example, do not have a direct translation. Rather, they carry symbolic meaning that can differ in different contexts. Worn on a chain around the neck, the cross might be a symbol that a person is Christian. To the person wearing it, however, the cross might be a reminder of personal faith or a means of identifying with a particular sect. This deeper meaning distinguishes the cross as a symbol instead of a sign.

“the difference between poets and mystics . . . The mystic nails a symbol to one meaning that was true for a moment but soon becomes false. The poet, on the other hand, sees that truth while it’s true but understands that symbols are always in flux and that their meanings are fleeting.”

Symbols cannot change without also changing their meanings. This is because symbols point us to unseen regions of the Real. They are not signs of this world so much as signals from elsewhere. In a sense, the symbol is itself the thing it refers to, even though in its self-reference it shoots out to a myriad of other things. The moon as a symbol might correspond with femininity (through its connection with the menstrual cycle), silver (its luminescence), dreams (its connection with sleep), the ocean (its influence on the tides)


Symbols belong to a non-temporal space in which all things are interconnected, not causally but imaginally. The term symbol compounds two Greek words, syn- and bole, which combined mean “thrown together” The symbol is a partial object, the only sensible part of something real yet invisible. It is like the mushroom, which in reality is just the sex organ of the sex organs of the psyche. The word symbol is closer to a neural network or dynamic process than to a static thing. The moon itself, the night, the sea are symbolic images reaching down to a living organism.

Symbols are lenses for observing the imaginal world beyond the range of normal awareness. Moby Dick tells us about Ahab’s decline, as a warning sign that he missed his one and only chance to beat the white whale because of it. The task of art is to get the symbol across in a way that allows it to be preserved and passed on. There is only potentiality for something to be, until the right situation presents itself.


We’re so busy holding onto signals that have been carried to us by symbol systems that you could say we are being ruled by the inventors of the wheel, the plow or the alphabet. Muscle memory is a thing for musicians. You forget by which processes you learned some stuff and vice versa. At the sub-symbolic level as there’s definitely atrophy with respect of prosody, meter, rhythm.

It makes you think if it’s all the symbol-mediated the ones that are gumming up the works. Symbols, signs and icons protect an image of reality, at the expense of reality itself. They fail to represent forces and flows correctly or use a variety for when they talk about the same hyper object. They bind us to narrativium whose function is to make us legible

It’s the bravery of being out of range culturally that instead of using planes to explore the unconscious, or even using planes to fight other planes (signifiers/signifieds/signs) we’re just designing flaps, spoilers and ailerons.

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>symbol level (

: It is not down on any map; true places never are.

” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>map literacy)

  • Work with “3d projections” — a set of partial slices you CAN big-picture grok
  • Work with “patches” — a sort of differential geometric approach where you get good at quilting
  • Broadly, these 

    : It is not down on any map; true places never are.

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>map to 3 intellectual stances: textualism, 

    What happens when an ideology under the infinite guise creates a finite number of institutional/non institutional posts? The more ideologically entrenched a society is, the more it perceives any diversity as a threat. All human societies require myths, and they cannot function effectively as societies so long as they remain baffled by their ambivalence. For any concerted action to be possible, myths must be “ideologized” In its essence, politics is the practice of making symbols useful, for good and for ill

    A society is pre-totalitarian when its people will only accept as “truth” what confirms what they prefer to believe. The politics apprehends genuine artistic works as works of artifice. That is to say, even the political needs art as its mythopoeic foundation and challenge.

    It is also true that humans can only produce art through culture by means of sign systems that are politically established and maintained. The best sometimes artist can hope for is a tenuous and ultimately doomed alliance with the status quo.

    In the Marxist base and superstructure model of society, Ruling class-interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the ideology justifying the actions of society. An authority who calls to us is interpellating us a position we recognize and accept. The position we take is relative to a superior and central ‘Other Subject’, exercising emotional authority. Our identity is thus defined by the other and we recognize ourselves as an image or a reflection of the Other. The consistency principle leads you into a cycle of investment whereby you bond your sense of identity both to the subject position and also the underlying ideology.

    Althusser’s explained how Ideological apparatuses interpellated the subjects into ideological positions. This interpellation is a form of misrecognition, where an externalized image is perceived both as the self and an ‘other’ all of which can be imagined along the lines of the most commonplace everyday police (or other) hailing: ‘Hey, you there!’”


    Feels like leaving Flatland. In addition to the usual three spatial co-ordinates, these notes have an extra label, which can act like a co-ordinate along space time. By tracking all four co-ordinates together, we 

    : It is not down on any map; true places never are.

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>map out in real time how a music moves in four dimensions
    the two-dimensional surface of a (three-dimensional) ball in three-dimensional space is a 2-sphere, often simply called a sphere, the three-dimensional boundary of a (four-dimensional) 4-ball in four-dimensional Euclidean is a 3-sphere, also known as a glome.
    Think of illogical, logical, and alogical or immoral, moral, and amoral. We use “aperspectival” to clearly emphasize the need of overcoming the mere antithesis of perspective or no perspective Mar 26, 2020
    Aperspectival’ is not to be thought of as merely the opposite of ‘perspectival’; the antithesis of ‘perspectival’ is ‘unperspectival.’ Mar 26, 2020
    While the three common axes are generally referred to as the x, y, and z axes, Added to them, however, is another axis entirely the fourth falls on the w axis. Mar 26, 2020
    Mobius, for example, understood that, in this dimension, a three dimensional object could be taken and rotated on to its mirror image. Mar 26, 2020
    So I expect good writing to look a lot like a mathematical extension of the 

    Every word or concept, clear as it may seem to be, has only a limited range of applicability.

    — Werner Heisenberg

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>concept of three-dimensional into four-dimensional space. So I don’t see a problem other see. https://t.co/elSqwAi4Uj Mar 26, 2020
    So if you’re looking to bust a genre you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Time is no longer spatialized but integrated and concretized as a fourth dimension. By this means it renders time, is expressed in an intensified and valid form as the present. Mar 26, 2020
    Three-dimensional space is the simplest possible 

    It’s easier to hijack something abstract , war on terror, too big to fail, war on drugs, etc than something concrete: income tax rates under Eisenhower were 90 percent, Canada health-care system is paid for through taxes.

    Abstractions live longer than details. Information fades away faster than abstractions. Since specifics will change, position them where they will cause the least amount of pressure to change. Anything that acts as metadata. if an abstraction makes things more complicated, it’s the wrong abstraction. Use abstraction to hide the implementation details of something behind a single idea

    We abstract to refer to intractable qualities, ideas, and concepts. We know that things like “truth,” “meaning, and “grace theoretically help us solve problems. The problem being a Cthulhu abstraction will be created when we fail to solve a problem. … Stuff that looks the same may not always change the same way. What used to be a generic abstraction now behaves differently depending on the situation. New requirements. Other variables to consider. Add another conditional. Loop until it all becomes unintelligible. Your life takes a drastic turn for the worse 

    Abstractions have sunken costs that represent time and effort put in, and we’re very motivated to extract rent for time and effort even though it has become now a disorder that interweaves a variety of unrelated concepts difficult to comprehend but easy to destroy. Moving forward with the wrong abstraction will cost you. Adding features is expensive and every success further complicates convincing you are in the right path when you’re lost in the woods If you can move from “I must protect my sunken costs in this abstraction” to “This abstraction made a lot of sense at the time sense but maybe we’ve learned all we’re going to from it To advance in a better direction is not a retreat. Advance in reverse 

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>abstraction of the observation that one only needs three numbers, dimensions, to describe the sizes or locations of objects in the everyday world The writing of the 

    The future is invisible because it does not fit into a tidy category that is already subordinated to the larger scheme of capitalismHence the future predicting and the subsequent plotting to make it soSo technology is someone’s opinion in physical formBut opinions exist regardless of you thinking about themOpinions have their own opinionsThe templates we use have their own opinions which probably wasn’t the opinion you had when you first thought of somethingSo opinions can continue in their existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line – friction, unless changed by an external force.As a matter of fact a large chunk of opinions about the future are still relics downstream from the Neolithic revolution.Rise in the crude birth rate, drop in the crude death rate, more definitive, steady food sources, less hunger, less vulnerable to predators/enemies, development of more language, shared knowledge, timebut poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter gatherers. Diseases jumping from animals to human as well as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, spinal deformations, and dental pathologies.Bigger groups survived better on average but required an increase in their ability to coordinate. The more advanced, the bigger the social groups.So the future is invisible because coordination does not fit into the tidy categories of extraction and rent seeking we have grown accustomedSo what technologies enhance coordination vs extraction and rent seeking?Besides music, I mean ? (Source: https://threader.app/thread/1381461624209334273)

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>future is closer to aperspectival. Mar 26, 2020
    In writing space and body are transparent. In this sense where we’re going is neither unperspectival, i.e., a two-dimensional rendering nor is it perspectival, i.e., a three-dimensional.
    In math, when you go from 3 to 4 dimensions, there is a sharp switch from visual geometric intuitions to 

    Symbols are best understood as signs that have deeper and more complex meaning. Signs translate directly to objects or ideas, and have something of a life of their own. The Christian cross or the Star of David, for example, do not have a direct translation. Rather, they carry symbolic meaning that can differ in different contexts. Worn on a chain around the neck, the cross might be a symbol that a person is Christian. To the person wearing it, however, the cross might be a reminder of personal faith or a means of identifying with a particular sect. This deeper meaning distinguishes the cross as a symbol instead of a sign.

    “the difference between poets and mystics . . . The mystic nails a symbol to one meaning that was true for a moment but soon becomes false. The poet, on the other hand, sees that truth while it’s true but understands that symbols are always in flux and that their meanings are fleeting.”

    Symbols cannot change without also changing their meanings. This is because symbols point us to unseen regions of the Real. They are not signs of this world so much as signals from elsewhere. In a sense, the symbol is itself the thing it refers to, even though in its self-reference it shoots out to a myriad of other things. The moon as a symbol might correspond with femininity (through its connection with the menstrual cycle), silver (its luminescence), dreams (its connection with sleep), the ocean (its influence on the tides)


    Symbols belong to a non-temporal space in which all things are interconnected, not causally but imaginally. The term symbol compounds two Greek words, syn- and bole, which combined mean “thrown together” The symbol is a partial object, the only sensible part of something real yet invisible. It is like the mushroom, which in reality is just the sex organ of the sex organs of the psyche. The word symbol is closer to a neural network or dynamic process than to a static thing. The moon itself, the night, the sea are symbolic images reaching down to a living organism.

    Symbols are lenses for observing the imaginal world beyond the range of normal awareness. Moby Dick tells us about Ahab’s decline, as a warning sign that he missed his one and only chance to beat the white whale because of it. The task of art is to get the symbol across in a way that allows it to be preserved and passed on. There is only potentiality for something to be, until the right situation presents itself.


    We’re so busy holding onto signals that have been carried to us by symbol systems that you could say we are being ruled by the inventors of the wheel, the plow or the alphabet. Muscle memory is a thing for musicians. You forget by which processes you learned some stuff and vice versa. At the sub-symbolic level as there’s definitely atrophy with respect of prosody, meter, rhythm.

    It makes you think if it’s all the symbol-mediated the ones that are gumming up the works. Symbols, signs and icons protect an image of reality, at the expense of reality itself. They fail to represent forces and flows correctly or use a variety for when they talk about the same hyper object. They bind us to narrativium whose function is to make us legible

    It’s the bravery of being out of range culturally that instead of using planes to explore the unconscious, or even using planes to fight other planes (signifiers/signifieds/signs) we’re just designing flaps, spoilers and ailerons.

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>symbol-rewriting intuitions, where your right brain gets trained on patterns in how the symbols move around rather than the underlying shapes

    when this happens, you quickly lose a sense for the forest over the trees, assembling bigger jigsaw pictures becomes dramatically harder because the space is larger than your visual intuitions can cover…

    this happens with words too

    when a topic gets sufficiently complex, your big picture intuitions collapse fairly rapidly, and you have to rely on aphorisms and other micro-level thoughts that you then have to grope around and weave together almost blind, because the dimensionality of the idea is too high

    You can try all you want to get big picture intuitions, with mind-maps, weird metaphors, or whatever, but there’s a fundamental hardness to the big picture thinking needed that you cannot finesse away

    as in math, there’s 3 basic strategies

    1. Give up and stick to 

    Symbols are best understood as signs that have deeper and more complex meaning. Signs translate directly to objects or ideas, and have something of a life of their own. The Christian cross or the Star of David, for example, do not have a direct translation. Rather, they carry symbolic meaning that can differ in different contexts. Worn on a chain around the neck, the cross might be a symbol that a person is Christian. To the person wearing it, however, the cross might be a reminder of personal faith or a means of identifying with a particular sect. This deeper meaning distinguishes the cross as a symbol instead of a sign.

    “the difference between poets and mystics . . . The mystic nails a symbol to one meaning that was true for a moment but soon becomes false. The poet, on the other hand, sees that truth while it’s true but understands that symbols are always in flux and that their meanings are fleeting.”

    Symbols cannot change without also changing their meanings. This is because symbols point us to unseen regions of the Real. They are not signs of this world so much as signals from elsewhere. In a sense, the symbol is itself the thing it refers to, even though in its self-reference it shoots out to a myriad of other things. The moon as a symbol might correspond with femininity (through its connection with the menstrual cycle), silver (its luminescence), dreams (its connection with sleep), the ocean (its influence on the tides)


    Symbols belong to a non-temporal space in which all things are interconnected, not causally but imaginally. The term symbol compounds two Greek words, syn- and bole, which combined mean “thrown together” The symbol is a partial object, the only sensible part of something real yet invisible. It is like the mushroom, which in reality is just the sex organ of the sex organs of the psyche. The word symbol is closer to a neural network or dynamic process than to a static thing. The moon itself, the night, the sea are symbolic images reaching down to a living organism.

    Symbols are lenses for observing the imaginal world beyond the range of normal awareness. Moby Dick tells us about Ahab’s decline, as a warning sign that he missed his one and only chance to beat the white whale because of it. The task of art is to get the symbol across in a way that allows it to be preserved and passed on. There is only potentiality for something to be, until the right situation presents itself.


    We’re so busy holding onto signals that have been carried to us by symbol systems that you could say we are being ruled by the inventors of the wheel, the plow or the alphabet. Muscle memory is a thing for musicians. You forget by which processes you learned some stuff and vice versa. At the sub-symbolic level as there’s definitely atrophy with respect of prosody, meter, rhythm.

    It makes you think if it’s all the symbol-mediated the ones that are gumming up the works. Symbols, signs and icons protect an image of reality, at the expense of reality itself. They fail to represent forces and flows correctly or use a variety for when they talk about the same hyper object. They bind us to narrativium whose function is to make us legible

    It’s the bravery of being out of range culturally that instead of using planes to explore the unconscious, or even using planes to fight other planes (signifiers/signifieds/signs) we’re just designing flaps, spoilers and ailerons.

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>symbol level (

    : It is not down on any map; true places never are.

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>map literacy)

  • Work with “3d projections” — a set of partial slices you CAN big-picture grok
  • Work with “patches” — a sort of differential geometric approach where you get good at quilting
  • Broadly, these 

    : It is not down on any map; true places never are.

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>map to 3 intellectual stances: textualism, 

    What happens when an ideology under the infinite guise creates a finite number of institutional/non institutional posts? The more ideologically entrenched a society is, the more it perceives any diversity as a threat. All human societies require myths, and they cannot function effectively as societies so long as they remain baffled by their ambivalence. For any concerted action to be possible, myths must be “ideologized” In its essence, politics is the practice of making symbols useful, for good and for ill

    A society is pre-totalitarian when its people will only accept as “truth” what confirms what they prefer to believe. The politics apprehends genuine artistic works as works of artifice. That is to say, even the political needs art as its mythopoeic foundation and challenge.

    It is also true that humans can only produce art through culture by means of sign systems that are politically established and maintained. The best sometimes artist can hope for is a tenuous and ultimately doomed alliance with the status quo.

    In the Marxist base and superstructure model of society, Ruling class-interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the ideology justifying the actions of society. An authority who calls to us is interpellating us a position we recognize and accept. The position we take is relative to a superior and central ‘Other Subject’, exercising emotional authority. Our identity is thus defined by the other and we recognize ourselves as an image or a reflection of the Other. The consistency principle leads you into a cycle of investment whereby you bond your sense of identity both to the subject position and also the underlying ideology.

    Althusser’s explained how Ideological apparatuses interpellated the subjects into ideological positions. This interpellation is a form of misrecognition, where an externalized image is perceived both as the self and an ‘other’ all of which can be imagined along the lines of the most commonplace everyday police (or other) hailing: ‘Hey, you there!’”

    ” class=”glossaryLink ” style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: 16px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-left-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline: 0px; color: rgb(225, 18, 42); text-decoration: none !important;”>ideology, and pointillism