
You pry the jetlag from your skull like a stubborn limpet. A month in the sprawl of Westphalia, that tangled knot of history and grit, and here you are, back in the neon-drenched hyper-reality you call home. Westphalia, with its chipped chrome and flickering vid-screens, its shadows clinging to the corners like bad code – it’s a mess, sure, but a familiar mess. A place where problems simmer low, a perpetual B-movie on repeat, the heroes never quite winning, the villains never quite vanquished. A comforting mediocrity, you almost want to call it.

You step off the trans-Atlantic zeppelin, the stale recirc air a harsh contrast to the oily tang of the Westphalian sky. A month back home, a month amongst the sprawl of data spires and chromed tenements, and already a sheen of rust gathers on your memories. Back in the sprawl of Westphalia, the problems haven’t budged an inch, just another layer of grime on the ever-accumulating heap. Same old resource wars, the megacorporations like bloated ticks clinging to the carcass of the nation, the flickering vid-screens spewing the same manufactured outrage. It’s a city that runs on fumes, on a kind of inertia so ingrained it’s become a religion.  Defeat?  Here,  defeat’s a luxury they can’t afford.

A month in that museum piece of a nation-state. Same grimy politics, same simmering resentments, all draped in the threadbare cloak of “tradition.” Stuck, perpetually circling the rusted gears of history. Here, in the splintered sprawl of the Sprawl, the anxieties are at least fresh. Every datastorm brings a new existential fractal to worry over, a fresh AI memeplex twisting reality into a pretzel. Suffocating, sure, but at least the goddamn walls are still moving.

Back in Westphalia, it’s like living in a simstim of the Thirty Years’ War, low-grade conflict simmering forever beneath the surface. Here, the wars are waged in the net, in the flickering code of the matrix. At least there’s a chance, however slim, of hacking a new future. Back there, it’s just rerunning the same tired script, the ending pre-programmed. Here, the future’s a tangled mess of dark fiber and rogue AIs, but at least it’s unwritten.

Here, though, the air tastes metallic, thick with unspoken anxieties. Every newsfeed ticker scrolls with the latest existential dread, a never-ending download of potential apocalypses. Climate sirens wail like mournful data streams. AI sentience debates rage on like glitching memes. It’s enough to make your chromed synapses overload.

Here, in the neon-drenched arteries of the terminal city, the air thrums with a different kind of anxiety. Every flicker of news feeds another existential dread, a fresh wrinkle in the collective paranoia. Climate refugees clog the feeder lines,their desperation a raw nerve exposed. A.I. sentience whispers on the darknet, a specter at the feast. It’s not a city in decline, it’s a city teetering on the edge of a future it can barely comprehend. Suffocating? More like a pressure cooker,heat rising with every passing byte. 

Back in Westphalia, they muddle through, their problems as familiar as the chipped paint on their bulkheads. Here, the future rewrites itself every goddamn day, and nobody knows the ending. You pull your trenchcoat tighter, the weight of both worlds pressing down. Welcome back to the bleeding edge, cowboy.

This city, a glittering chrome labyrinth, feels claustrophobic all of a sudden. The towering arcologies cast long shadows that seem to stretch into your very soul. You reach for your smokes, the familiar hiss and burn a grounding ritual in this digital maelstrom. It’s time for a dive into the dark alleys of the net, a search for some solace in the digital underbelly. Maybe there’s a rogue AI bartender in some forgotten corner, slinging virtual whiskey and existential wisdom. Maybe there’s a niche forum for the terminally overstimulated, a place to vent your frustrations in pixelated screams.

One thing’s for sure, you can’t stay here, suffocating in the fumes of your own anxieties. This city thrives on the cutting edge, the ever-evolving chaos. Time to strap on your neuralink, jack into the noise, and find a way to carve your own path through this digital dystopia. Westphalia might muddle through, but here, at the end of history, the fight’s still on. And who knows, maybe in the cacophony of anxieties, you’ll find the spark to rewrite the ending.


The delusion of untainted power, chum, a roach skittering across the circuitry of the naive mind. These technologist cowboys, righteousness dripping from their binary beards, think they can ride the power bull without getting bucked into the meat grinder. Wrong. Power ain’t a virus that eats your morals, it’s a psychic filter, a flesh-plated feedback loop that warps your perception.

Sure, you dream electric sheep of holding the reins of power without succumbing to the Meat Machine’s greasy gears. A naive hope, chum. Power it’s a psychic roach motel you check into one plush suite at a time. The bigger the goddamn suite, the fewer windows you got. Feedback? That’s a rusty fire escape dangling over an abyss of yes-men and ass-kissers. You yell down, “Hey, how’s the view from down there?” and all you hear is echoes of your own distorted voice.

The higher you climb the greasy pole, the thinner the air. Reality refracts, distorted by the yes-men clinging to your coattails. Feedback? More like static on a junkie’s dime-store radio. You become a goddamn emperor with no clothes,waltzing through a court of sycophants who wouldn’t dare tell you your fly is undone. The bigger the power differential,the deeper the trench between your ivory tower and the messy, inconvenient truths down on the street.

Up in the penthouse, reality thins out like a smack fiend’s arm. The more power you juice, the more the world warps into a funhouse mirror reflecting your own warped desires. Beg for a reality check, chum, but all you get back is the buzz of your own amplified ego. Power? Power’s a roach motel, alright. Check in, sign the register with your sanity, and prepare for a long, lonely stay.

They feed you this dream, man. The dream of clean power, a sterile injection straight into the vein. You think you can hold onto your fuzzy morality while the machine hums in your head, amplifying every goddamn whisper of desire. But power ain’t a moral dilemma, it’s a creeping flesh-mold that warps your senses. The more juice pumping through your circuits, the less you feel the world around you. Feedback loops turn into echo chambers. Dissenting voices become static, a fly buzzing against the control panel of your reality. You’re sealed in a sensory deprivation tank of your own making, high on the fumes of your own authority. The suits, the politicians, the techie gods – all the same breed. They mistake the atrophy of empathy for the ascension of the Übermensch. Newsflash – you ain’t Superman, you’re a roach in a roach motel, feasting on the crumbs of your own delusions.

So, spare me the wide-eyed pronouncements about holding onto your precious morality, sunshine. Power is a hall of mirrors, a funhouse distorting your best intentions. You think you’re in control, but the machine’s already got its hooks in you, twisting your thoughts, warping your judgment. It’s a slow, creeping corrosion, a psychic virus that eats away at your ability to see straight.

Don’t be a dupe, chum. Power ain’t a superpower, it’s a slow, agonizing death by unreality.

Musical Golden Parachutes

The Republican agenda is a carnival of contradictions, a grotesque spectacle where fiscal conservatism is a punchline to ballooning deficits fueled by military largesse and tax giveaways to the elite. They preach small government yet loom large over personal liberties, wielding power like a cudgel in the name of moral authority.

Their hymn to free markets is a discordant tune harmonized with subsidies and bailouts for corporate titans, while states’ rights are waved like a flag before being trampled by federal mandates and interventions. Pro-life banners flap in the breeze while the death penalty looms ominously over the justice system, a grim reaper in their moral crusade.

Healthcare freedom is the battle cry until it clashes with the specter of government competition, and rural support withers under the advance of Walmartization and the hollowing out of Main Street. Climate denial is their shield against inconvenient truths, yet they scramble for disaster aid as wildfires rage and floodwaters rise, seeking solace in science when their heels are at the precipice.

Their professed defense of free speech rings hollow amidst bans on books and curbs on dissenting voices, a paradoxical dance where censorship masquerades as protection. The Republican playbook reads like a strategy for Monopoly: dismantle state capacity while hoping to land on “Advance to Go (Collect $200)” for a quick bailout. They are the rats fleeing the sinking ship, clutching their pearls and parachutes, retreating to safe havens to watch the conflagration they ignited from afar.

In the end, their legacy is not one of governance but of expedient retreat, leaving behind a landscape scarred by contradictions, a carnival of chaos where principles are bartered away for fleeting victories and the illusion of control.

They know their policies are a house of cards built on quicksand, a mirage of stability in the barren desert of American politics. As the dust storms gather and the horizon darkens, they’re the first to jump ship, clutching their ill-gotten gains like rats fleeing a sinking vessel.

They will retreat to their gated communities, their private islands, watching the world burn from a safe distance, sipping imported champagne while the rest of us are left to pick up the pieces.


The Democratic agenda, a feeble flicker in the tempest of American politics, offers up progressive ideals that evaporate in the heat of corporate cauldrons. They preach social change but wield policies with one hand tied to Wall Street’s purse strings, sacrificing diversity at the altar of shaky party unity.

Workers’ rights are a bargaining chip in their free trade poker game, where the chips fall not in favor of the working class but into the coffers of multinational giants. Environmental advocacy is their anthem, sung while swaying to the tune of energy lobbyists’ deep pockets, ensuring compromise over conviction.

Their championing of public education collides with their deference to charter school agendas, revealing a split allegiance in the arena of learning. Civil liberties are hawked as security coins, traded away for a mirage of safety in a world of ever-expanding surveillance.

Healthcare reform dances a desperate waltz with insurance behemoths, where promises of accessibility and affordability drown in the paperwork of profit margins. Campaign finance reform becomes a punchline when Super PACs cozy up to Democratic coffers, ensuring the floodgates of influence remain wide open.

Their stance on gun control versus the Second Amendment resembles a drunken stumble through a legal minefield, leaving confusion and compromise in its wake. Immigration reform meets its match at the fortress of border security, where ideals of inclusion falter against the harsh realities of political brinksmanship.

Champions of LGBTQ+ rights, they falter at the hurdle of religious freedom, caught between progress and tradition. They champion regulation while clutching at innovation, a paradoxical dance where rules are made to be bent and broken.

Their call for criminal justice reform echoes through corridors of power, drowned out by echoes of tough-on-crime rhetoric, a nostalgic hymn to an era of punitive policies. In foreign affairs, their diplomacy stumbles over military interventions, caught in a tango of conflicting interests and international entanglements.

The Democratic agenda is a tragicomedy, a mask worn in a half-hearted rebellion against the very forces they court, a play where the script changes with the whims of lobbyists and the pressures of pragmatism. In their quest for progress, they navigate a labyrinth of contradictions, where ideals collide and compromise becomes the currency of change.


And yet, as the curtain falls on their political theater, the Democratic players exit stage left with a farcical flourish. Each protagonist, after delivering impassioned speeches on behalf of the people, swiftly dons a tailored suit and slips into the plush embrace of the private sector. There, amidst the clinking of champagne glasses and the rustle of signing bonuses, they find solace in the very corporate boardrooms they once criticized.

Progressive firebrands morph into consultants, whispering strategic advice to the same industries they once challenged. Diversity advocates become diversity officers for Fortune 500 companies, their rallying cries now softened to diversity training modules. Former champions of workers’ rights find themselves on the payroll of multinational corporations, negotiating labor agreements that bear little resemblance to their campaign promises.

Environmental warriors, now consultants for energy conglomerates, navigate the delicate balance between profit margins and sustainability reports. Education reformers find refuge in charter school networks, their visions of equitable education reframed in glossy brochures and fundraising drives.

Civil libertarians, now legal advisors to security firms, reinterpret privacy laws through the lens of corporate interests. Healthcare reform architects become lobbyists for pharmaceutical giants, shaping policies that pad pockets while promising public health solutions.

Campaign finance reform champions, now partners in lobbying firms, redefine influence peddling as strategic advocacy. Gun control advocates, consultants for arms manufacturers, pivot to marketing campaigns that blend safety with the Second Amendment.

Immigration reformers, now advisors to border security contractors, devise algorithms to streamline deportation processes. LGBTQ+ rights activists, now corporate diversity consultants, craft inclusion policies that toe the line of corporate culture.

Regulatory watchdogs, now compliance officers for tech startups, navigate the fine line between innovation and oversight. Tough-on-crime critics, now legal advisors to private prisons, balance rehabilitation rhetoric with occupancy quotas.

In the realm of foreign affairs, diplomats-turned-consultants broker deals between nations while serving the interests of defense contractors. Each exit, marked by a lucrative handshake and a nondisclosure agreement, underscores the tragicomedy of political ambition intersecting with corporate reality.

Thus concludes the farcical addendum to their public service, where idealism meets pragmatism, and the revolving door of influence spins ever onward.

The French Bourgeoisie: A Cut-Up Caper with a Side of Fascism

The French bourgeoisie, oh those respectable frock-coated fiends. Power was their aphrodisiac, and they weren’t picky about the bedfellows it brought. Here’s a glimpse into their sordid little boudoir of political maneuvering:

1. The July Monarchy: 1830 to 1848. A constitutional monarchy? Now that was a cut-up they could dig. A king with a leash, a system that kept the rabble at bay – pure bourgeois bliss

The French bougeoisie, those slick cats with coin in their pockets, found themselves waltzing with a constitutional king. Sure, it wasn’t the wildest jig, but at least it kept the riff-raff at bay. But revolutions, like unwanted houseguests, have a way of overstaying their welcome.

The Boulangist Bacchanal:

The Bourgeoisie, plump pigeons, cooed for stability. A constitutional charade, a game of mirrors reflecting their own wealth. But beneath the silk waistcoats, a gnawing fear – the guillotine’s grim echo.

Late 19th century. Republics? Pah! When push came to shove, the bourgeoisie craved a strongman, a leader with a handlebar mustache and a booming voice – someone to exterminate the creeping specter of socialism.

 Enter Boulanger, the nationalist hunk, a fleeting fix for their anxieties a Hussar with a handlebar moustache and a whiff of revolution. Nationalistic fervor, a heady perfume. The scent of revanche, of reclaiming lost glory, tickled the bourgeois nostrils that could tame a hurricane. Nationalism, that was the ticket! A strongman to keep the worker bees buzzing in their rightful place.A flirtation, a tango with the extreme right, a rebellion against the dull thrum of the Republic.

3. The Dreyfus Affair: Suddenly, the air grew thick with the stench of anti-Semitism. Dreyfus, a Jewish officer, wrongly accused. The bougeoisie, a house divided. Some, blinded by prejudice, sided with the mob, baying for blood. Others, a conscience flickering in the shadows, dared to speak for justice. 

virus that infected even the supposed bastions of reason. The Dreyfus Affair, a festering wound that exposed the bourgeoisie fractured over prejudice. Some, blinded by bigotry, sided with the lie. Others, a more lucid bunch, championed justice for the wrongly accused.

The Affair, a Rorschach test. Cracks appeared in the bourgeois facade. The Bourgeoisie, a fractured mirror, reflecting a nation at war with itself.

4. Action Française: 

Monarchy? Again? The bougeoisie, ever the fashionistas, dusted off their royalist threads. Action Française, a club for the nostalgic set, pined for the days of powdered wigs and absolute power. The Third Republic? Pah! A bourgeois wet dream gone sour beckoned the weary businessmen back to the divine right of kings. Monarchy, a comforting delusion, a return to a world of order, where the bourgeois could play courtiers in a gilded cage once more.

5. Vichy France: A Vichyssoise of Opportunism: : 1940 to 1944. The Nazis? 

The Nazis waltzed into France, and some in the bougeoisie, pragmatists to a fault, decided to cut a rug with the devil himself. Collaboration? It was business, as they say, a twisted tango with jackboots and swastikas. Now that was a whole new level of depravity. But hey, if the Nazis meant keeping the cockroaches (read: socialists and communists) at bay, then why not collaborate? A Faustian bargain, a descent into the abyss, all for the sake of preserving their precious status quo.

The Nazis, a brutal storm. Collaboration, a bitter pill to swallow. But some in the Bourgeoisie swallowed it whole, a desperate bid for survival. Better to be a fat cat in a Vichy government than a mangy alley dweller under the swastika, they reasoned. Moral bankruptcy, a festering wound beneath the pinstripes.

The Algiers Putsch: A Putrid Punch: Algeria, a thorn in the French side. The bougeoisie, with their pieds-noirs (black feet) chums in Algeria, got spooked by whispers of independence. So, the generals, those polyester-clad cowboys, tried a little coup d’état. A messy affair, all blood and bullets. The bougeoisie, once waltzing with kings, now found themselves in a gangster flick gone horribly wrong.

The stench of desperation hung heavy in the air. Algeria, a jewel slipping from their grasp. When push came to shove, the Parisian right and Algerian settlers, those bastions of bourgeois comfort, joined forces with some rogue generals in a desperate attempt to hold onto their illusions of empire. A death rattle, a pathetic display of power that ultimately sputtered out.

So there you have it, the French bourgeoisie – a tangled mess of self-interest, nationalism, and a sprinkle of fascism. A cut-up collage of power plays and moral compromises, all in the pursuit of that ever-elusive sense of control.

The Centrist Charade

Dig beneath the surface of history, man, and you’ll find the stench of power clinging to everything. Marxist cats, always sniffing for class struggle, point their fingers at the center as the ultimate enabler – the guys greasing the skids for the real heavies. This ain’t a one-act play, though; this pattern stretches back centuries, a tangled web woven by supposed moderates who end up reinforcing the very structures they claim to tweak.

The 19th Century: Nationalism’s Sideshow and the Monarchy’s Minions

Take the 19th century, a time when nationalism was the hottest jazz and kings still wore fancy hats. Centrists waltzed in,all reason and moderation, claiming the middle ground between the bomb-throwing radicals and the crusty old guard. But this “rationality” was a smoke screen, obscuring the true power dynamic. They shielded the crowns and flags from real critiques, the ones that questioned the whole damn rigged game. By painting the revolutionaries as a bunch of hopped-up loonies, these centrists gave the status quo a democratic sheen, keeping the fat cats fat and the workers toiling away.

Fascism’s Funky Fresh Beat: The Center Gets Cold Feet

Fast forward to the 1920s, where fascism reared its ugly head. The center, ever the flip-flopper, couldn’t decide if it wanted to punch fascists in the face or hold hands and skip rope. They underestimated the whole brownshirt brigade,dismissing them as a passing fad or some fringe cult. But when the Red Scare came knocking, the center saw the Commies as the bigger threat – the devil you know, right? So, they cozied up to the fascists, figures they could control, or so they thought. This little alliance wasn’t just a handshake; the center actively greased the skids for fascist regimes, all in the name of “preserving order.” The result? A fascist free-for-all, complete with jackboots and goose-stepping.

The Far-Right’s Disco Ball: The Center Cuts a Rug

Fast forward to our own groovy time, and the same old story plays on repeat. The center, supposedly all about democracy and whatnot, finds itself defending the far-right’s latest disco hits. Remember that French minister who wouldn’t diss the National Front? Classic case of the center bending over backwards for the bad guys. In the name of “pragmatism” (whatever that means), they end up adopting the far-right’s xenophobic tunes, making their whole hateful ideology seem normal. This accommodation is like putting lipstick on a pig – sure, it might look different, but it’s still the same oinking beast underneath.

The Big Finale: Dismantling the Centrist Charade

So, what’s the takeaway, man? Marxist theory shines a light on the center as the ultimate stooge, the guy who keeps the capitalist machine humming along. They play both sides, neutralizing real challenges from the left and right, all to ensure the status quo remains quo-ish. It’s a historical pattern that demands a closer look. We gotta critically examine this whole centrist charade and its role in propping up oppressive systems. If we want real change, forget about moderation and break out the Molotov cocktails of praxis. The only way to dismantle the house of cards is to give it a good, hard shove.

Social Democracies

Our so-called “social democracies,” those flickering gaslights in the gathering dusk of capitalism, are a hall of mirrors, a funhouse distorting the true revolution. They dangle participation, a rubber chicken of reform, to distract the proles from the rigged carnival of exploitation that churns beneath the painted smiles.

Meanwhile, the neoliberal carnies cackle, hawking their wares of austerity and deregulation. This rigged roulette wheel spins ever faster, spewing out winners in silk top hats and losers who choke on the dust. The proles, faces pinched with the gnawing hunger of manufactured scarcity, begin to mutter. A low, dangerous hum courses through the midway.

From the shadows, a figure emerges, a carny with a sharper glint in his eye, a barker with promises of order and scapegoats. The fascist spiel, a siren song laced with nostalgia and nationalist paranoia, finds fertile ground in the wreckage of social democracy’s hollow promises.

Is it any surprise? The contradictions inherent in the system, the rigged games and rigged wheels, all explode outward when the flimsy facade of reform crumbles. Social democracy, in its desperate attempt to hold back the tide, has only created a dam behind which the pressure builds. And when it bursts, the fascist wave will come crashing down, a monstrous child of capitalism’s own twisted creation.

The Edge of history

Fukuyama, bless his optimistic heart, saw the fall of the Berlin Wall as the grand finale, the curtain call on the human drama. History, with a capital H, would shuffle off the stage, replaced by a monotonous, albeit peaceful, epilogue of liberal democracies holding hands and singing Kumbaya. But Fukuyama, for all his impressive polysyllables, hadn’t reckoned with the carnivalesque id that lurks beneath the veneer of civilization. No, instead of a victory lap, we found ourselves teetering on the precipice of a historical Finisterre, a land marked not by “Here Be Dragons” scrawled on a parchment map, but by a cacophony of glitches in the matrix.

Liberal democracy, that shiny neoliberal suit Fukuyama draped over the future, rips at the seams. Populist krakens rise from the depths, their tentacles ink-black with resentment and misinformation. The godhead of technology, once a benevolent Prometheus, mutates into a Loki, weaving digital illusions and fracturing reality. The climate, a previously passive stagehand, throws a Molotov cocktail of superstorms and rising sea levels, threatening to drown the whole damn play.

As we drop from the edge, ideology curdles into grotesque parodies. Capitalism becomes a runaway clown car, spewing out a technicolor nightmare of inequality and alienation. Nationalism, that ever-present fever dream, erupts in a global mosh pit of xenophobia and border wars. Technology, once Fukuyama’s golden chariot, mutates into a Kafkaesque labyrinth, a panopticon playground for the surveillance state and rogue AIs.

And the people? We, the bewildered passengers on this existential joyride, are left clutching dog-eared copies of Pynchon novels, desperately searching for meaning in the static. We’re a generation raised on promises of a frictionless future, only to find ourselves knee-deep in the wreckage of a hypercapitalist dystopia. The only things keeping us from complete existential meltdown are a healthy dose of paranoia, a gallon of industrial-strength cynicism, and a shared sense of black humor dark enough to power a thousand suns.

We, the bewildered audience, clutch our popcorn, unsure if this is a grand tragedy or some absurdist farce. Social media, a cacophony of amplified anxieties and conspiracy theories, becomes the chorus, a million voices screaming at once. A cast of characters stumbles through the wreckage: a billionaire cypher financing a moon colony for the elite, a teenage hacker bringing empires to their knees with a single keystroke, a disgraced academic unearthing a secret history that rewrites everything we thought we knew.

Imagine a Hieronymus Bosch fever dream filtered through a cyberpunk lens. Rising ethnonationalisms hiss and prance like mutated strains of a forgotten virus. Populist demagogues, their faces flickering on a million screens, become avatars for a nameless, formless dread. The very fabric of reality seems to fray at the edges, infiltrated by conspiracy theories as dense and tangled as the Amazon rainforest on DMT. It’s a world where fringe ideologies erupt into the mainstream with the sudden, jarring clarity of a pornographic pop-up on your grandma’s recipe website.

This isn’t the “end” of history, Fukuyama. This is the cracked, funhouse mirror version, a grotesque reflection of our deepest anxieties and unfulfilled desires. We’ve stumbled upon the edge of the map, not a blank space, but a churning vortex of chaos and possibility. Here, in this liminal space, the dragons Fukuyama ignored now stir, their reptilian eyes gleaming with the promise of both destruction and, perhaps, a twisted form of liberation. The question is, do we turn tail and run, or do we dive headfirst into the maelstrom, armed with nothing but our wits and a healthy dose of paranoia?That, my friend, is the real historical drama just beginning.

This is the ragged edge of history, a place where the linear narrative unravels, replaced by a tangled knot of possibilities, both terrifying and exhilarating. Here, dragons are real, and we, armed with nothing but our wits and a healthy dose of paranoia, must fight our way through the fog. The question is whether we’ll emerge blinking into a new dawn, or simply become another cryptic inscription on the crumbling wall of history.

We, however, are staring straight into the abyss, the “Here Be Dragons” scrawled in phosphorescent graffiti across the crumbling guardrail. The edge of history, my friend, isn’t a victory lap, it’s a place where the map dissolves into a drooling, Lovecraftian nightmare, and the only compass you have is a malfunctioning Bic lighter held aloft by a trembling hand.

So, yeah, Fukuyama might have envisioned a victory parade. We, however, are attending the post-apocalyptic demolition derby, fueled by equal parts dread and a bizarre sense of exhilaration. Here at the edge of history, the only certainty is uncertainty, and the only dragons we might encounter are the ones we unleash from within ourselves. Buckle up, Dorothy, because Kansas is a long-lost dream, and the real adventure is just beginning.

Bacon Boys

Dig this, man. We’re talking way before the robber barons crapped all over everything. Back when Bacon’s boys spooked the Virginia swells something fierce, they ditched those white indentured stiffs for a whole new bag: black chattel. Seems the poor white trash and the Negroes were getting a little too chummy, what with the hightailing, the hooch-fueled rampages, the pilfered swine, and the whole miscegenation ball of wax. So, the honchos cooked up a mess of laws designed to split the riffraff right down the middle, turn them into squabbling mongrels instead of a united front. Yeah,that’s America for you, man. A land where the suits figured it was better to keep the proles bickering amongst themselves than let them catch a whiff of solidarity.

That whole shindig was a tangled mess, deeper than a Watts trombone solo. You got these housewife heroines, both the white bread brigade and the squaws, busting their humps spreading the word, riling up the husbands like a Pentecostal tent revival. But the real head-scratcher was this Bacon dude and Governor Berkeley locked in a cosmic grudge match over how to handle the Native Americans.

Old man Berkeley, he’s all about keeping some of the “redskins” on the payroll, using them like deep-cover spooks to sniff out the real nasty tribes. “Intelligencers,” he calls them. Like some wigged-out version of Charlie’s Angels, only ten times sweatier and reeking of woodsmoke. Bacon, though? He’s got a different vibe. This dude’s pure Old Testament fury.”Extirpate” is his word of choice. Wants to wipe the whole damn lot off the map, cleanse the land like a bad acid trip.Yeah, Bacon’s Rebellion? That was a heady stew of racism, frontier paranoia, and good ol’ fashioned bloodlust, all bubbling over in the Virginia backwoods.

The sun, a bloodshot eye peering through the smog of history, sank behind the endless rows of Jamestown tobacco. The rebellion sputtered, a damp firework fizzling out. Bacon, his face a mask of righteous fury or revolutionary delusion, who could say for sure these days, swung from the gallows, another trinket on the manic carousel of American dominion. The scent of woodsmoke and cordite hung heavy, a perverse incense to the gods of Manifest Destiny. The freed black men, a fleeting dream of unlikely kinship, shuffled back towards the shackles, the weight of history settling on their broad shoulders. Perhaps, out there in the endless forests beyond the flickering lamplight of the settlement, a lone Native American brave, survivor of Bacon’s indiscriminate rage, lit a defiant fire. Maybe, in some dusty archive, a faded proclamation, a half-remembered whisper of solidarity between the oppressed, clung on like a cobweb, a fragile testament to a dream choked by the iron grip of a young nation’s avarice. The questions, like the tendrils of Spanish moss, draped themselves around the past, a reminder that the true cost of empire is always veiled in shadow, a spectral invoice never fully paid.

So there you have it, man. A tangled web woven from fear, economics, and the primal soup of human difference. Bacon’s Rebellion, a tremor in the American id, a premonition of the endless skirmishes to come. The melody of dissent, once a ragtag folk song, would mutate into a cacophony of revolution, civil war, and the ever-present undercurrent of racial tension that hums like a rogue radio frequency beneath the surface of this American experiment. We speed forward, hurtling into the future on a rocket fueled by contradictions, leaving behind a trail of broken treaties, empty shotgun shells, and the faint echo of forgotten women, both white and Native, who dared to raise their voices in the din. The answer, like the a novel you haven’t cracked open yet, remains frustratingly elusive. Maybe it’s all a cosmic joke, a funhouse mirror reflecting back our darkest desires. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s a flicker of hope buried somewhere beneath the wreckage, a chance to rewrite the melody, one fraught note at a time. But that, my friend, is a story for another day.

The last tendrils of rebellion smoke snaked skyward, a spectral question mark against the bruised Virginia twilight. Was this the bitter aftertaste of a fleeting dream of unity, or a glimpse into an abyss where race, class, and primal fear forever danced a macabre waltz? Perhaps both, perhaps neither. The system, ever the wily coyote, had dodged another ACME anvil, leaving the proles bruised and divided. The melody of solidarity, once a faint chorus, had been drowned out by the cacophony of self-preservation. But beneath the surface, a current still pulsed. A memory, a whispered resistance hidden like a bootleg manifesto under the floorboards. America, that vast, ramshackle experiment, lurched onward, a rickety carnival wagon careening down a potholed path towards a future as uncertain as the constellations smeared across the deepening indigo canvas.

Non-Euclidean Politics

Trapped in the Symbolic Order:

They peddle their ideologies like used cars on a Martian lot – left wing, right wing, all rusted-out Lacaninan signifiers with a Symbolic Order malfunction. Stuck in their pre-Imaginary world, these Euclidean politicians can’t grasp the writhing, pulsating Real of realpolitik. They see the world as a goddamn line graph, a straight shot from the Name-of-the-Father to a future forever out of reach, blissfully unaware of the jouissance, the non-Euclidean desires that lurk just beyond their field of vision.

Desiring-Machines and the Rhizome:

They try to shove everything into their neat little boxes, these politicians. Left, right, up, down. A phallic stage mentality for a reality that’s gone Deleuzian. Like trying to navigate the body without a body map. A flatland mentality for a reality that’s gone nova. Like trying to navigate the Interzone with a compass from Sears. The real issues are writhing serpents, man. Issues with fangs and forked tongues, slithering through dimensions your pea-brained pundits can’t even conceive. The real issues are desiring-machines, man. Issues with a thousand intensities and becomings, slithering through the social networks your pea-brained pundits can’t even conceive. The economy? A tangled assemblage of flows and deterritorializations, a virus burrowing into the desiring-production of the system. War? A schizophrenic assemblage of power plays, fueled by the death drive and fueled by profit, all projected onto a smooth space in your living room.

The Fantasy of the Neutral:

These Euclidean suits, they drone on about “compromise,” the sweet melody of the Imaginary. Imaginary middle ground of what, citizen-subject? The middle ground of a Möbius strip? You step one way, you end up where you started, only seeing the world a little more reified. A grey mush, a neutering of all that’s vital and desiring. They sand down the jagged edges of the Real, leaving us with bland, featureless superego ideals that wouldn’t choke a maggot.


Power, they say, is a straight line, a binary between two opposing forces. But power is a desiring-machine, my friends, a rhizomatic web of control apparatuses, assemblages, and viral memes. It flows through the cracks, infects subjectivities, deterritorializes realities. You can’t hold it in your meaty little fists, can’t pin it down with your Euclidean logic.

Beyond the Binary:

They shove these binary buttons down your throat, Red or Blue, Left or Right. Flatland politics, a Symbolic Order nightmare where everything’s measured in straight lines and empty signifiers. Politicians, slick snakes in ill-fitting suits, slithering across the body without organs of power, promising a one-size-fits-all future.

The Third Mind of the Electorate

The Third Mind of the electorate, buzzing with revolutionary potential, can’t be captured in a two-party system. It craves a Deleuzian rhizomatic approach, a politics twisted and warped like a desiring-machine assemblage.

Power’s a Junkie’s Fix:

Power, they crave. Power’s a junkie’s fix, man. A hit of control, a rush of domination. But power in this nova landscape? It’s a desiring-machine, a word with a thousand meanings depending on which assemblage you’re plugged into. The media, the corporations, the military-industrial complex – these are the real desiring-machines, their rhizomes reaching out, shaping the game from the shadows.

Hacking the System:

So what’s a citizen-subject to do? Forget the damn voting booths, those sterile little cubicles where you choose the flavor of the symbolic order. We need to break free from the grid, man. We need to cultivate our own psychic antennae, a desiring-machine to navigate the chaos. Hack the system from the inside, plant seeds of subversion in the feedback loops. Disrupt the script, flood the airwaves with word salad and cut-up manifestos. Maybe then, just maybe, we can start to see the Real, the one hidden behind the static of Euclidean politics.

The Interzone and the Body Without Organs:

The real action happens down in the Interzone, in the murky soup of desire and fear. Here, the grey men in black suits whisper promises of control, while shadowy figures scrawl graffiti on the social fabric itself. Here, ideologies mutate faster than a body without organs in a nuclear wasteland.

Forget the Pills, Embrace the Chaos:

Forget your left and right, your red and blue pills. We need a whole new pharmacy, a mind-bending cocktail of chaotic logic and non-linear solutions. We need politicians who can navigate the Mobius strip of reality. We gotta exploit the contradictions, weaponize the absurdity, turn their own doublespeak into a weapon against them.


US: (Slaps a map of the Middle East on the table, points a calloused finger at Israel) Hey you knuckleheads, gather ’round! This here’s how you tame the wild frontier, see? Ain’t no sugar-coating it, that’s how a land gets settled

This here’s how you get yourself a piece of the pie, see? None of that fancy lawyer talk, no sir. Just grit, a little moxie, maybe a smidge of somethin’ else. That’s the American way!

(Eyes dart to Afro, Native American, Mexican, and Chinese representatives, all fuming) Now hold on, hold on! Don’t nobody go gettin’ their chaps in a twist. Just sayin’, that’s how it’s done, ain’t it? No need to get all riled up. (Silence hangs heavy in the air)

Just sayin’, ain’t like we done it that way ourselves, mind you. Just clearin’ the air, y’all follow? (Silence now as swamp air) Everyone knows, rights come with the land after a hundred years, give or take. Ain’t nobody settin’ the rules but the ones doin’ the settlin’, that’s the way it’s always been.

US: But there’s a catch, see? A cool-down period. Hundred years, give or take. Like a fine wine, gotta let it breathe a spell before you start sippin’. Ain’t my rules, just the way the game’s played. (US throws his hands up, a touch of desperation creeping in) What can I say? I didn’t write the handbook!

US: (leans back in chair, hitches up pants, eyes the whole room) Hold on just a darn minute, folks. Let’s get real here. This ain’t no kinda fancy tea party. Y’all actin’ like claimin’ land ain’t how the world works. (Gestures at Afro, Native Americans, Mexicans, and Chinese) Y’all lookin’ mighty steamed, but hold on now. We ain’t exactly angels, that’s a fact. But listen up, this ain’t no confession. Just sayin’, settin’ down roots, that’s what settlers do. Ain’t no need to get yer blood boilin’. (Silence hangs heavy) What’s the matter, cat got your tongue? Look, everyone knows the score. Rights? Those come with time, sweat, tears. Takes a good century at least. We didn’t make the rules, folks, just playin’ the game.