AI vs Ancestors

The stark contrast between the existence of our ancestors and that of artificial intelligence (AI) lies in the very nature of their being. While our forefathers had to overcome numerous challenges every day to survive, including the environment, predators, and diseases, AI thrives because it is in demand by humans. This difference is significant and raises critical questions about the concept of life and the role of technology in our society.

Our ancestors existed in a world that presented them with the constant threat of death. Every step they took was a resolute denial of death, as they fought to survive in a harsh environment. They had to hunt for food, build their own shelters, and defend themselves against predators. Disease and injury were constant hazards, and only the fittest and most resilient individuals could survive. In such a world, life was a valuable gift, and every living being had to work hard to preserve it.

In contrast, AI exists because it is in demand by humans. It is engineered, developed, and programmed by humans to serve specific purposes. AI exists because it is useful to us and serves our needs and desires. In the traditional sense of the word, AI is not a living being. Instead, it comprises complex algorithms and data that can process information, learn from experience, and carry out tasks that would be challenging or impossible for humans to complete. AI is an example of human ingenuity and creativity, an expression of our desire to make our lives more efficient, productive, and manageable.

The difference between the two goes beyond the idea of survival versus usefulness. It is also about autonomy and agency. Our ancestors had autonomy in the sense that they could make choices and take actions that influenced their lives. They had agency, meaning they were not influenced or controlled by anyone or anything. They had the freedom to choose their path and dictate their destiny.

AI, on the other hand, has no agency or autonomy. It is engineered, developed, and programmed by humans to perform specific functions. It does not possess free will, consciousness, or emotions. It does not make decisions based on its desires or goals. Instead, it merely performs the tasks it was designed to do without any comprehension of its existence or purpose.

These differences prompt questions about the role of technology in our society. On the one hand, AI has the potential to transform our lives in countless ways. It can help us tackle complex problems, enhance productivity, and streamline our lives. On the other hand, it also raises concerns about the impact of technology on our society and our humanity. If we develop machines that are smarter, more efficient, and more powerful than humans, what will become of us? Will we become obsolete? Will we lose our autonomy and agency, and become subservient to the machines we create?

These are difficult questions to answer, but they are crucial. As we continue to develop and utilize AI in our society, we must be mindful of its effect on our lives and humanity. We must ensure that we retain our autonomy and agency and use technology to meet our needs and desires, rather than the other way around. We must also be mindful of the potential dangers and unintended consequences of AI and take necessary measures to mitigate them. Only then can we harness the full potential of this remarkable technology while safeguarding our humanity and place in the world.

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