Optical illusions are intriguing phenomena that can trick our eyes and brain into perceiving something that is not actually present or perceiving it differently from reality. These illusions can be caused by various factors, such as the way our eyes perceive light, shadows, or depth perception, light, color, shape, and contrast, to name a few. They can be static, dynamic, or even interactive, providing endless opportunities for scientific research and artistic expression.

The Ninio’s extinction illusion. It shows 12 black dots on a gray-and-white grid. However, it is impossible to see all 12 dots at once. If the grid wasn’t in the picture, people could see all 12 dots.

My wife and My Mother in law. Some people see a young lady with her head turned towards the background while others see an elderly woman’s side profile.

What do you see in the center of the image: curvy lines or zigzag ones? Most people see both — double wavy lines and double angled lines alternating. Now look at them as they appear over the black and white area. What do you see now? The truth is all the lines are wavy.

The back wall is in fact built at a sharp angle and the floor and ceiling are steeply slanted. This creates an illusion that makes people and objects on one side of the room seem much smaller or larger than people or objects on the other side of the room.

The Cafe Wall Illusion has been described as a checkerboard with the squares slightly jumbled or off-kilter. The alternating light and dark squares do not line up directly with the squares on the rows above and below them. The result is that the horizontal lines in between each row appear to be slanted. In reality, the horizontal lines are perfectly parallel with one another and totally straight.

The Simultaneous Contrast Illusion uses a shaded background to trick the viewer into inferring things about the color of the main object. The horizontal bar in the middle of the picture is one solid color. However, the changing gradient behind the bar makes it seem changing

The penrose stairs. The four flights of stairs appear to link together so that a climber would go up or down the steps in a continuous loop but never arrive at a higher or lower point.

The Necker Cube: The basic illusion is that some people will perceive a three dimensional cube with one side in the front while others will imagine that the very same side is the back of the cube.

The rabbit duck head

Optical art images seem to be moving even though they aren’t animated. Most theories about the illusion of motion in optical art have to do with the brain’s inability to process the different colors and shapes simultaneously. sm and other more-classic forms of art.
Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion https://youtu.be/oWfFco7K9v8 via
@YouTube The illusion uses a set of cylinders and a mirror, with the cylinders cut so that depending on the angle from which you look at them, they appear to be either rounded or to have angled corners.
https://images.app.goo.gl/Dc6X7ZURtsS3bYyL6… Rubin’s Vase Ambiguous Figure: The figure in the image can appear as a vase or two faces directly opposite one another.

The Müller-Lyer illusion consists of three stylized arrows. When viewers are asked to place a mark on the figure at the midpoint, they invariably place it more towards the “tail” end. . This illusion consists of two lines of equal length with arrowheads pointing inward or outward at each end. The line with outward-pointing arrowheads appears longer than the one with inward-pointing arrowheads, even though they are the same length.
- The Hermann grid illusion: This illusion involves black squares that appear at the intersections of white lines, creating the illusion of gray blobs.
- The Kanizsa triangle illusion: This illusion involves the perception of a white triangle against a black background, although no such triangle is physically present.
- The Zöllner illusion: This illusion involves parallel lines that appear to be distorted by diagonal lines placed across them.
- The Motion aftereffect illusion: This illusion occurs when we perceive motion in a stationary object after being exposed to a moving image for a prolonged period.
- The Adelson checker shadow illusion: This illusion involves two identical squares of different shades of grey, but one appears lighter or darker due to the shadow cast by the cylinder.