Great ideas are not produced by systems designed to produce great ideas

The pursuit of great ideas has been a constant throughout human history. From the ancient philosophers of Greece to the modern innovators of Silicon Valley, people have always sought to push the boundaries of what is possible and create something truly remarkable. However, the process of creating great ideas is not always straightforward, and many have argued that systems designed to produce great ideas are ultimately doomed to fail.

One of the main challenges with systems designed to produce great ideas is that they often prioritize efficiency and productivity over creativity and innovation. In order to produce a large number of ideas quickly, these systems tend to rely on standardized processes and templates that limit the scope of what is possible. This can lead to a situation where the ideas produced are predictable, uninspired, and ultimately unremarkable.

Another challenge with systems designed to produce great ideas is that they can be overly focused on outcomes rather than process. When the goal is to produce a specific outcome, such as a new product or service, the emphasis is often on achieving that goal as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, the creative process is not always linear or predictable, and sometimes the best ideas emerge from unexpected places. By focusing too much on outcomes, we risk missing out on these serendipitous moments of insight and inspiration.

Finally, systems designed to produce great ideas can be stifling to individual creativity and expression. When individuals are expected to adhere to a set of predetermined guidelines or rules, they may feel that their individuality and unique perspective is being stifled. This can lead to a situation where the ideas produced are homogenous and lack the diversity of thought necessary to create truly innovative solutions.

There are many examples of great ideas that have emerged outside of traditional institutions like universities, corporations, record companies, film studios, or publishing houses. Here are a few examples of such ideas:

  1. The printing press: While Johannes Gutenberg is often credited with inventing the printing press, he was not affiliated with any university, corporation, or publishing house when he developed the technology that revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge.
  2. The theory of evolution: Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution independently while working as a naturalist and geologist, without any institutional support.
  3. The concept of Bitcoin: The digital currency Bitcoin was developed by an unknown person or group going by the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto” and not affiliated with any established financial institution.
  4. The modern bicycle: The modern bicycle, with its chain drive and diamond frame, was developed by a number of inventors working independently in the late 1800s, without any institutional support.
  5. The punk rock movement: The punk rock movement emerged from a DIY ethos, with bands forming outside of established record labels and rejecting the corporate rock establishment.
  6. The Open Source software movement: The open source software movement, which has produced a wide range of innovative and groundbreaking technologies, is characterized by a decentralized and collaborative approach that values creativity and innovation over efficiency and productivity.
  7. The Harlem Renaissance: The Harlem Renaissance was a flowering of African American culture in the early 20th century, characterized by literary, artistic, and musical innovation that emerged outside of established cultural institutions.
  8. The Beat Generation: The Beat Generation, a group of writers and poets who rejected mainstream culture and celebrated non-conformity and individualism, emerged outside of established publishing houses and literary institutions.
  9. The Maker movement: The Maker movement, which emphasizes DIY creativity and innovation, has produced a wide range of new technologies and products that have emerged outside of established corporations and manufacturing processes.
  10. The invention of the modern skateboard: The modern skateboard was developed by a group of surfers in California in the 1950s and 60s, who repurposed roller skates to create a new kind of rideable.
  11. The emergence of the modern environmental movement: The modern environmental movement emerged in the 1960s and 70s from grassroots organizations and activists who were concerned about pollution, conservation, and environmental justice.
  12. The development of hip hop music: Hip hop music emerged from African American and Latino communities in New York City in the 1970s, as DJs, MCs, and dancers developed a new style of music and dance that blended funk, soul, and other genres.
  13. The growth of the organic food movement: The organic food movement emerged from a desire to promote sustainable agriculture, reduce reliance on pesticides and herbicides, and improve public health.
  14. The creation of the video game industry: The video game industry emerged from a combination of hobbyist and entrepreneurial efforts, as early developers experimented with new technologies and gameplay mechanics.
  15. The rise of podcasting: Podcasting emerged as a way for independent creators to produce and distribute their own audio content, without the need for traditional radio or broadcasting infrastructure.
  16. The development of the first personal computer: The first personal computers were developed by hobbyists and entrepreneurs in the 1970s, who saw the potential for a new kind of computing device that could be used by individuals in their homes and offices.
  17. The founding of Wikipedia: Wikipedia was founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger as a way to create a free, online encyclopedia that could be edited and maintained by anyone.


Downhill Thinking

Human beings have always been creatures of habit. We tend to do things the same way repeatedly until we develop a sense of familiarity and comfort with those actions. This tendency applies to every aspect of our lives, including our thinking patterns. Some people find that their thinking works best when designed to run downhill, meaning that they prefer to work with their natural tendencies rather than against them. This approach to thinking has a number of advantages, and in this essay, we will explore why loose thinking lasts longer and functions better.

When we say that thinking works best when designed to run downhill, we mean that it is more effective when we work with our natural tendencies. For example, some people are naturally more creative and imaginative, while others are more analytical and detail-oriented. If someone who is naturally creative is forced to work in a highly structured and analytical environment, they may struggle to produce their best work. Similarly, if someone who is naturally analytical is forced to work in a chaotic and unstructured environment, they may struggle to stay focused and produce their best work.

By designing our thinking to run downhill, we can harness the power of our natural tendencies and work more efficiently and effectively. For example, if we know that we are more productive in the morning, we can schedule our most important tasks for that time of day. Similarly, if we know that we are more creative when we are relaxed and comfortable, we can create an environment that promotes relaxation and comfort.

One of the key advantages of designing our thinking to run downhill is that loose thinking lasts longer. When we are working in a way that feels natural and comfortable, we are more likely to stay engaged and focused for longer periods of time. This means that we are more likely to produce high-quality work and achieve our goals. Conversely, when we are working against our natural tendencies, we are more likely to become frustrated, tired, and disengaged. This can lead to burnout and a decrease in productivity over time.

In addition to lasting longer, loose thinking also functions better. When we are working in a way that feels natural and comfortable, we are able to access our full range of cognitive abilities. This means that we are more likely to be creative, analytical, and innovative, depending on the task at hand. When we are working against our natural tendencies, we may struggle to access certain aspects of our cognitive abilities, which can limit our potential.

To design our thinking to run downhill, we need to be aware of our natural tendencies and preferences. This requires self-reflection and self-awareness. We can also seek feedback from others to gain a better understanding of how we work best. Once we have identified our natural tendencies, we can create an environment and a work style that supports those tendencies. This may include things like scheduling our work around our most productive times, creating a comfortable and relaxing workspace, and using tools and techniques that support our preferred way of working.

In conclusion, designing our thinking to run downhill can have a significant impact on our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. By working with our natural tendencies rather than against them, we can stay engaged and focused for longer periods of time, access our full range of cognitive abilities, and achieve our goals more effectively. While it may take some effort to identify our natural tendencies and create a work style that supports them, the benefits are well worth it in the long run.