That Netflix Look

A cinematic style that effortlessly delivers the experience of wandering aimlessly through the set on a weekday morning and catching the cast standing around eating baby carrots from craft services.

The phrase “That Netflix Look” playfully refers to a specific aesthetic or visual style often associated with certain productions on the Netflix streaming platform. The description “effortlessly delivers the experience of wandering aimlessly through the set on a weekday morning” evokes a sense of casualness and lack of purpose. It paints a picture of a lackadaisical atmosphere where the actors and crew members are meandering around the set, perhaps with a sense of idleness or disengagement.

Cast members are not fully immersed in their roles or the production itself. This imagery contrasts with the traditional notion of intense dedication and professionalism associated with the filmmaking process.

Overall, the perceived lack of cinematic depth or immersive storytelling suggests that the film may convey a sense of detachment or a casual approach, akin to a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a production rather than a fully realized cinematic experience.

Here are 10 reasons why “That Netflix Look” can be perceived as a pejorative description:

  1. Lack of Visual Distinction: The term implies that many Netflix productions have a generic or formulaic visual style, lacking unique or distinctive cinematography.
  2. Assembly Line Approach: It suggests that Netflix prioritizes quantity over quality, leading to a production line mentality where films and shows are churned out without much artistic care or attention.
  3. Lack of Artistic Risk: The description hints at a tendency for Netflix to play it safe with their visual choices, avoiding experimental or daring filmmaking techniques in favor of a more predictable and mainstream approach.
  4. Overreliance on Templates: It implies that Netflix may rely on pre-existing visual templates or templates established by successful shows, resulting in a lack of innovation and originality.
  5. Diminished Production Values: The term suggests that Netflix productions may appear visually cheap or low-budget, lacking the high production values associated with traditional cinematic experiences.
  6. Homogeneity: It conveys a sense that many Netflix productions blend together visually, with a sameness that fails to make each film or show visually distinctive or memorable.
  7. Lack of Artistic Vision: The description implies that there may be a dearth of strong directorial vision or visual storytelling choices, resulting in a visually unremarkable viewing experience.
  8. Emphasis on Quantity Over Quality: It suggests that Netflix may prioritize releasing a high volume of content, potentially leading to a sacrifice in the overall quality of the visuals.
  9. Formulaic Approach: The term implies that Netflix follows a specific visual formula or recipe for their productions, resulting in a lack of originality and a predictable viewing experience.
  10. Loss of Cinematic Essence: It suggests that the Netflix style may deviate from the traditional cinematic experience, diluting the immersive and transformative power that comes with well-crafted visuals.