This lands close to my position. “The redpilled, then, turn out to be less threatening to the establishment than they would hope. But, for related reasons, the bluepilled may well be less duped by the powers that be than the redpilled believe.” Ht @aelkus …The key insight (which I’ve also relied on in my Great Weirding series) is the Sloterdijk/Zizek take on cynical-mode ideology, which screws up a naive A. O. Hirschman-style exit/voice account of “pilling.” Screenshotted quotes from my (paywalled) essay not the OT… I need to rewrite a bit. This essay clarifies a couple of things I garbled. …This might be the best definition of being “redpilled” I’ve seen. “To be redpilled, in this case, is to violate the social code of a world in which we are permitted to point out the emperor has no clothes as long as we take this fact as a source of ironic amusement.”A tell of cluelessness is believing your startling insight is new for all. Like in Hangover where Alan says with a revelatory air, “you guys realize this [a scale model of a house they’re using to plan a heist] is not the house we’re breaking into? The real house is much bigger.”This is a trope that’s routinely played for laughs in tv shows. The clueless (or in some cases clueless-savant-child like Adrian Monk) is stunned by an insight that’s so routine it’s integrated into everybody’s thinking.And they try to evangelize a half-baked version of something everyone else has fully baked into their thinking. When (if) they’re clued in,and get that they’re behind rather than ahead of the curve and need to save face, they face a fork in the road: act cool or go radical.To “act cool” is to hurriedly adopt the fully-baked cynicism before too many people see your initial cluelessness tell.To go radical is to brazen it out ne act like your non-ironic non-cynicism is not behind the curve cluelessness but courageous integrity. Aka “heretic.” (Source: