
Takes two full cycles to grok a cyclical phenomenon

0.25 cycle: “It’s a secular trend!”

0.5c: “the fad has passed”

0.75c: “overcompensation”

1c: “Ok it’s over, what’s next?”

1.25c: “This time it’s different”

1.5c: “Deja vu”

1.75c: “We learned nothing”

2c: “It’s cyclic”


This statement humorously illustrates the typical progression of reactions to cyclical phenomena over two full cycles, highlighting how perceptions and responses evolve over time:

– At 0.25 cycles, there’s a tendency to view the phenomenon as a long-term, secular trend, attributing significance to its perceived permanence.

– By 0.5 cycles, as the phenomenon reaches its peak and begins to decline, some may dismiss it as a passing fad, underestimating its lasting impact.

– At 0.75 cycles, there’s often an overcompensation in response to the decline, with efforts to counteract or reverse the trend.

– By 1 cycle, as the phenomenon fades into obscurity, attention shifts to the next big thing, signaling a readiness to move on.

– At 1.25 cycles, when the phenomenon unexpectedly resurfaces, there’s a tendency to believe that “this time it’s different,” ignoring historical patterns.

– By 1.5 cycles, as the cycle repeats, there’s a sense of deja vu, with recognition of familiar patterns.

– At 1.75 cycles, despite experiencing the cycle multiple times, there’s a realization that lessons have not been learned, and mistakes are repeated.

– Finally, at 2 cycles, the cyclical nature of the phenomenon becomes apparent, leading to an acknowledgment of its inherent cyclicality.

Here’s an expanded proposition

2.25c: “We’re in the rinse and repeat phase.” – At this stage, we’ve recognized the familiar pattern of the cycle and find ourselves going through the motions once again, as if caught in a never-ending loop of repetition.

2.50c: “Same song, different verse, but we’re starting to catch on.” – While the cycle continues, there’s a growing awareness and understanding of its dynamics. We’re beginning to notice subtle variations and nuances, signaling a deeper insight into the cyclical nature of the phenomenon.

2.75c: “Realizing it’s not just the cycle, but the system.” – Beyond simply acknowledging the repetition, we’re starting to grasp the broader systemic factors at play. We understand that the cycle is not isolated but interconnected with larger structures and forces shaping our environment.

3c: “Finally grasping that we’re the ones spinning the wheel.” – With a newfound understanding, we come to realize our agency in perpetuating the cycle. We acknowledge our role in shaping and influencing the trajectory of events, rather than being mere passengers on the ride.

3.25c: “Recognizing the pattern, but still getting dizzy.” – Despite our growing awareness, the cycle can still induce a sense of disorientation or confusion. We may find ourselves navigating the familiar pattern with a mix of certainty and uncertainty, as we strive to maintain our bearings amidst the repetition.

3.50c: “Starting to see the carousel from above.” – As our perspective expands, we gain a clearer view of the cycle from a higher vantage point. We’re able to step back and observe the pattern with a greater sense of detachment and understanding.

3.75c: “Adjusting our seat on the merry-go-round.” – Armed with insights gained from our elevated perspective, we begin to make strategic adjustments. We adapt our approach and position ourselves more strategically within the cycle, aiming to optimize our experience and outcomes.

4c: “Accepting that the merry-go-round is the ride, not the destination.” – At this stage, we come to terms with the cyclical nature of the journey. We embrace the idea that life itself is a series of cycles and that the process of growth and evolution occurs within the repetition.

4.25c: “Riding the loop with a knowing grin.” – With acceptance comes a sense of peace and contentment. We navigate the cycle with confidence and equanimity, knowing that each revolution brings new opportunities for learning and growth.

4.50c: “Weaving through the cycles like a seasoned pro.” – Having mastered the art of cyclical navigation, we move through the pattern with grace and skill. We’re able to anticipate twists and turns, making deliberate choices that align with our goals and values.

4.75c: “Circling back with a sense of déjà vu.” – As we near the completion of another cycle, we experience a sense of familiarity tinged with nostalgia. We recognize echoes of past experiences and lessons, reinforcing our understanding of the cyclical nature of life.

5.00c: “Round and round, but we’re calling the shots.” – Despite the repetitive nature of the cycle, we assert our agency and autonomy. We make conscious decisions and take intentional actions, knowing that we have the power to shape our own destiny within the cycle.

5.25c: “Embracing the loop, because the view changes every turn.” – With a mindset of openness and curiosity, we find joy in the cyclical journey. We appreciate the ever-changing landscape and embrace the diversity of experiences that each revolution brings.

5.50c: “Finding beauty in the perpetual motion.” – Instead of resisting or resenting the cycle, we find beauty and meaning in its continuous motion. We marvel at the rhythm and flow of life, recognizing the inherent harmony and balance within the repetition.

5.75c: “Looping back, but the scenery has changed.” – As we come full circle once again, we’re struck by how much has changed since the last revolution. We marvel at the evolution and transformation that has taken place, realizing that each cycle brings new opportunities for growth and renewal.

6c: “Realizing that the cycle is the journey, not the destination.” – At this stage of profound insight, we transcend the notion of linear progress and destination-oriented thinking. We understand that the true essence of life lies not in reaching a final destination, but in embracing the cyclical journey itself.

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