I beat my machine
It’s a part of me
It’s inside of me
I’m stuck in this dream
It’s changing me
I am becoming
Trent Reznor
The concept of “becoming” in Deleuze’s philosophy emphasizes the idea that identity is not fixed or predetermined, but rather is constantly in flux and emerges through the connections one makes with the world. For example, a person’s desire to become a guitar player is not predetermined, but rather depends on the connections they make with the world around them. The same dynamic applies to all aspects of a person’s identity.
However, many people fall into the trap of conforming to pre-planned identities, such as those imposed by their parents or by societal norms. This results in a limited and static identity, which can prevent new and exciting connections from being made. This is akin to a rhizome that has been blocked, unable to shoot off new roots and make new connections.
Similarly, traditional philosophy has tended to view the world through a narrow, one-dimensional, and hierarchical lens, which limits our understanding of the world and our place in it. Deleuze rejects the idea that there is a pre-determined way that we “should” be living and instead invites us to embrace the immanence and movement of the world, which allows for the emergence of our identity from within rather than accepting it as a gift from someone else.
To affirm existence is to embrace difference and to see the world in terms of distinction rather than self. By accepting the immanence and interconnectedness of the world, we can embrace life and all its possibilities. Deleuze’s work encourages us to ask the question “How might a person live?” rather than seeking a definitive answer to “how should a person live?”